Quick Introduction: Flash ScrollPane and ColorPicker Components

In this Quick Introduction to Flash Professional components we are going to look at the ScrollPane and ColorPicker. Let's dive in..

Brief Overview

Check out the demo. In it, on the left hand side, you see two Color Picker components, two Labels labeled "Custom Color Picker" and "Normal Color Picker" and a blue rectangle.

The Custom Color Picker uses colors taken exclusively from a selection of our choosing. The Normal Color Picker has all the colors of a regular color picker and when a user chooses a color we change the rectangle to the color they've chosen.

On the right hand side of the SWF there is a ScrollPane, into which we load an image, and a button that we use to initiate the loading of the image.

Step 1: Setting Up the Document

Open a new Flash Document and set the following properties:

  • Document Size: 550x400px
  • Background Color: #FFFFFF

Step 2: Add Components to the Stage

Open the components window by going to Menu > Window > Components or press CTRL+F7

Drag two ColorPickers, two Labels, a ScrollPane and a button to the stage.

In the Properties panel give the first Label the instance name customLabel.

If the Properties panel is not showing go to Menu > Window > Properties or press CTRL+F3.

Set the Label's X to 16 and its Y to 12.

Give the second Label the instance name "normalLabel"; set its X to 16 and its Y to 176.

Give the first ColorPicker the instance name "customColorPicker"; set its X to 16 and its Y to 41.

Give the second ColorPicker the instance name "normalColorPicker"; set its X to 16 and its Y to 206.

Give the second ScrollPane the instance name "imageScrollPane"; set its X to 277 and its Y to 29.

Give the Button the instance name "loadImageButton"; set its X to 354 and its Y to 332.

Using the rectangle tool draw a rectangle on the stage. I drew mine with a blue color. Select the rectangle and go to Menu > Modify > Convert to Symbol (or press F8); set its name to "square" and make sure "Type" is set to MovieClip.

Next, give it an instance name of square as we did with the components above. Set its size to 143x97px, set its X to 90, and its Y to 47.

Explaining the Components

The ColorPicker is a great little component which allows users to select a color. You can also define which colors you want available in the ColorPicker.

The ScrollPane component displays DisplayObjects, JPEG, GIF, and PNG files, as well as SWF files, in a scrollable area. When the content you are loading is too large for the movie this is an ideal component to use.

Step 3: Preparing the AS File

Create a new ActionScript file and give it the name Main.as. We will be declaring our components in Main.as so we need to turn off "auto declare stage instances"; the benefit of doing this is that you get code hinting for the instance.

Go to Menu > File > Publish Settings and click on Settings next to Script [Actionscript 3.0]

Uncheck "Automatically declare stage instances".

Next, in Main.as, we'll open the package declaration and import the classes we will be using.

Add the following to Main.as:

Step 4: Set up the Main Class

Add the Class declaration, make it extend Movie Clip, and set up our constructor function. Here we declare our variables and call our functions in the Main Constructor.

Add the following to Main.as

Step 5: Main Constructor Functions

Here we define the functions that are used in our constructor.

In the setupLabels function we set the text on the Labels. In setupColorPickers we set the colors for our customColorpicker; these colors are an array of colors using Flash's syntax for hexadecimal colors. We also add an event listener to our color pickers so that when a user chooses a color we fire off the relevant function.

In the setupButton function we set the Button's Label property and add an Event Listener for when the user clicks on the Button.

Add the following to Main.as:

Step 6: Code our Event Listeners

Here we code the functions for the event listeners we added above.

The changeColor function uses a ColorTransform object so that we can change the color of the rectangle on the stage. We set the ColorTransform's color to the color the user selected by using e.target.selectedColor. The target is the ColorPicker whose color was just changed. Then, we use the transform property of the square movieClip and set the colorTransform to the color selected.


You'll notice in the Component Parameters panel (which can be opened from the Window menu) that you can check and select certain properties.


The above image is for the ColorPicker component.

The properties are as follows for the ColorPicker component:

  • enabled: a Boolean value that indicates the whether the component can accept user input.
  • selectedColor: A hexadecimal value that sets the selected color of the ColorPicker.
  • showTextField: a Boolean value that indicates whether the internal text field of the ColorPicker component is displayed.
  • visible: a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the component is visible on the stage.

The properties for the ScrollPane are

  • enabled: a Boolean value that indicates the whether the component can accept user input.
  • horizontalLineScrollSize: a value that describes the amount of content to be scrolled, horizontally, when a scroll arrow is clicked.
  • horizontalPageScrollSize: he count of pixels by which to move the scroll thumb on the horizontal scroll bar when the scroll bar track is pressed.
  • horizontalScrollPolicy: a value that indicates the state of the horizontal scroll bar. Can be: ScrollPolicy.ON, ScrollPolicy.OFF, ScrollPolicy.AUTO.
  • scrollDrag: a Boolean value that indicates whether scrolling occurs when a user drags on content within the scroll pane.
  • verticalLineScrollSize: a value that describes how many pixels to scroll vertically when a scroll arrow is clicked.
  • verticalPageScrollSize: the count of pixels by which to move the scroll thumb on the vertical scroll bar when the scroll bar track is pressed.
  • verticalScrollPolicy: a value that indicates the state of the vertical scroll bar. Can be: ScrollPolicy.ON, ScrollPolicy.OFF, ScrollPolicy.AUTO.
  • visible: a Boolean value that indicates whether or not the component is visible on the stage.

The help files are a great place to learn more about these properties.

To learn more about the properties for Labels and Button be sure to check out the Quick Tip on the Button and Label components



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