Let's be honest, good-looking apps sell better. Programmers, however, don't always have the skills to give the apps they create the design that they deserve. That is why today, App Design Vault is giving away 2 iPhone App Design Templates to 2 lucky Mobiletuts readers. All you have to do is fill out the form below.
Update: Congratulations to Daniel Flax and Ethan Kramer! You have both won 2 free app design templates from App Design Vault.
DIY app design can be painful. You could spend hours in Photoshop trying to come up with the perfect design but in the end, all you have is lost time. The alternative is to pay some one to design the UI for you. That, however, can be expensive and not every one has the budget for it.
That is where App Design Vault comes in. They'll design the iPhone App Design Templates for you so you can do what you do best, code.
Template Previews
Foody - iOS Recipe App Design Template
PodRadio - iOS Multimedia App Design Template
Photoly - iOS Photography App Design Template
Sportscast - iPhone Sports App Design Template
What's Included?
- Xcode sample project to get you up and running in minutes. You can inspect the code to see how the apps are designed and strategize on how to implement them for your own app.
- Design artwork in Retina (@2x) and Standard resolutions, which you can bring into your app as you wish.
- Photoshop .PSD files for the brave. You can open it up and tweak it to put your own twist to the designs
Up for Grabs
- Two App Design Templates of Your Choice from App Design Vault to 2 readers.
- To enter, submit your entry using the form above.
- You may only enter once.
Browse their Gallery, leave a comment on the theme you'd like to have and tell them what you like about it. (Optional) - Make sure to enter a valid email address so that we can contact you.
- Entries will be accepted until Friday, January 22, 2012 at 11:59 PM, EST.
Special Promotion for Mobiletuts+ Readers
If you can't wait for the conclusion of this giveaway to purchase these app templates, App Design Vault is now giving our readers a 25% discount on any theme purchased on their site. All you have to do is go here and use the coupon code MTUTS34RTY56.