Toolbox of the Smart WordPress Developer: CMB2

Ever tried to build metaboxes in WordPress? It's a mess, not only for beginners but even for advanced WordPress developers. Luckily for the WordPress community, the community itself can come up with elegant solutions for these kinds of messy problems. CMB2 is one of them.

In this part of the "Toolbox of the Smart WordPress Developer" series, we're going to go through CMB2, an extensive library for developing custom metaboxes and forms in WordPress.

The Extremely Unexceptional Way to Create Custom Metaboxes

Since this isn't a tutorial about creating custom metaboxes, I'm not going to teach you how to do it by using core functionality—but I'll give out a couple of useful links. Instead, I'm going to go over the mundane routine of it:

Creating the metabox: Admittedly, this part's essential and even CMB2 uses a similar way of doing it—you have to create the custom metabox using the add_meta_box() function... within a function that hooks to the add_meta_boxes action. Not too easy, not too hard, but in between the two.

Create the fields to display in the metabox: In this part, you have to create a separate function (that you also have to refer to in the add_meta_box() function) and write vanilla HTML in it, like divs and labels and inputs, in order to display your form fields, which won't work unless you bind the HTML with complicated PHP. Text inputs are fine, but creating dropdowns or checkboxes? Prepare to get confused. (Don't even get me started on file uploads and color pickers.) Oh, you forgot to use wp_nonce_field() for security? Too bad, your code will never work.

Sanitize and save the field values: Yeah. In order to make the form store the data, you have to use yet another function to check a bunch of things, sanitize the data and save the values in your custom metabox. And you have to hook that function to the save_post action. Neat.

If you want to do it "the core way" and spend hours on creating a couple of metaboxes, well, good for you, taking the high road. But of course, there might come a time that you just won't be able to use helper frameworks like CMB2. In that case, you can refer to this SitePoint tutorial by Narayan Prusty or this extensive series of tutorials by Tom McFarlin on Tuts+ Code.

Enter CMB2: The Exceptionally Awesome Way to Create Custom Metaboxes

And what if I told you that you can create custom metaboxes by creating one function that hooks to one action, and using very smart functions that do all the hard work of creating the HTML and magically binding everything together? And believe me, I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit!

With the help of CMB2, you will be able to create custom metaboxes in a fraction of the time you would spend on doing it "the core way".

Setting Up CMB2

CMB2 comes in two forms: in the plugin form and in the framework form. If you're going to use CMB2 in projects that aren't going to be released for a community, I suggest that you use the plugin, because updating the CMB2 plugin would be much easier, and you won't have to include the files of the CMB2 engine. But if you're going to release your project to a community, you'd better integrate CMB2 into the project by downloading the files from GitHub, placing them into your project's folder, and using the lines below in it:

Of course, keep in mind that you have to edit the lines above to point to CMB2's init.php file.

Creating Your First Custom Metabox

Before creating our first metabox, we need to create our only function that will hook to CMB2's own cmb2_init action:

After that, creating the metabox is as easy as creating a new variable:

Populating Your Custom Metabox With Fields

After creating our first custom metabox, it's time to make it useful by populating it with "fields" that CMB2 provides. And doing so is as simple as running a function with the metabox variable we just created:

There are more than 30 field types provided by CMB2, including regular text inputs, WYSIWYG editors, date pickers, color pickers, file uploaders and even taxonomy selectors. For a full list of field types, check out this Wiki page of CMB2.

Even More Awesomeness

Creating fully functioning custom metaboxes is awesome as it is, but CMB2 doesn't stop there. There are a bunch of things that you can do with CMB2:

To learn more about CMB2's super powers like these, there are a few pages that you can check out:

Wrapping Up for Today

There's no denying that sticking to the WordPress core while building stuff isn't always as simple as it sounds. So, using helper frameworks like CMB2 will speed up our development processes. And I believe that even though CMB2 is as awesome as it is now, it has way more room to improve (not just in the area of custom metaboxes, but also in other directions as well), so I'd keep an eye on this project if I were you.

See you in the next part where we'll go over WP-CLI, a one-of-a-kind WordPress tool that gives us the opportunity to manage our WordPress installations via the command line.



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