New Course: JavaScript for Windows 10 Universal Apps

Final product image
What You'll Be Creating

Native applications have long been the realm of compiled languages, such as C and its cousins. But Microsoft wants to get web developers in on desktop app development and to allow them to write native applications that run on all flavors of Windows 10 (PC, tablet, phone, and XBox).

In our new course, JavaScript for Windows 10 Universal Apps, you'll learn how to program universal Windows 10 apps using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. 

Screenshot of the app youll be creating in the course

What You’ll Learn

Envato Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will give you a detailed look at creating universal Windows 10 apps. He'll show you how to set up the development environment and how to use the WinJS library for accessing native functionality. Eventually, you'll go on to build a full-featured app that can run on any Windows device!

Watch the Introduction

Start Learning With a Free Trial

You can take our new course straight away with a free 10-day trial of our monthly subscription. If you decide to continue, it costs just $15 a month, and you’ll get access to hundreds of courses, with new ones added every week.

Envato Market also offers a selection of useful Windows 10 scripts and software, so see what you can find there to help you with your projects.



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