Integrating the Envato WordPress Toolkit to Your Theme: The Library

In the last part of the tutorial we learned how to use the TGM Plugin Activation class to require the Envato WordPress Toolkit Plugin whenever our theme is in use. The plugin allows the user to install and update purchased themes within the admin.

This next part will teach you how to implement the Envato WordPress Toolkit Library so we can periodically check when our theme has an update available using the Envato Marketplace API.

When an update becomes available, we'll display a notice in the admin and direct the user to the plugin for updating.

1. Including the Toolkit Library

We'll first need to include the Toolkit Library in our project. Download the Envato WordPress Toolkit Library ZIP file. Unzip it and copy the folder envato-wordpress-toolkit-library into the inc folder in your theme. You should end up with these paths:

  • mytheme/inc/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-protected-api.php
  • mytheme/inc/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php

Note: You can change the location of the files above to suit your needs. Alternatively, you can download the full source from the download link on the top of this article.

2. Admin Hook Function

Now we can start coding. We'll hook into the admin_init action. Add the following code into your functions.php:

3. Using the Toolkit Plugin Info

The Toolkit Library needs an Envato username and API key for it to work. Since we've required the Toolkit Plugin in the previous tutorial, we can use the inputted values for the username and API key fields found in its settings. If these fields aren't filled up, we can display a notice asking the user to enter them in the Toolkit Plugin.

We'll need to add the corresponding hook function outside to display our admin notice:

4. Periodically Update Checking

The Toolkit Library always checks using the Envato Marketplace API for theme updates. This isn't good since performing it every time the user visits an admin page can slow down page loading times significantly. We only need to check for an update periodically.

Checking every 3 hours sounds like a good idea:

5. Checking for Updates

Finally, we can check for updates using the library:

6. Theme Update Notice

From this moment you can opt to automatically update the theme by using the Toolkit Library function $upgrader->upgrade_theme(); however, I believe that giving users a choice is often a good idea.

My suggestion is to just display a notice of a theme update, and allow the user to update using the Toolkit Plugin:

We'll need to display the function that displays the notice outside our current function:

Why Use the Plugin in the First Place?

You may be thinking that it is also possible to just use the Toolkit Library and not use the Toolkit Plugin at all, then maybe just display our own username and API key forms in our theme options instead.

While that is entirely possible to do, using the plugin gives us a few benefits:

  1. In fresh theme activations, our theme would automatically check for updates if the Toolkit Plugin was already previously installed.
  2. We don't need to include an additional set of forms for our users to fill up.
  3. The Toolkit Plugin can be updated by the users themselves, hence changes in the Marketplace API can be applied to the WordPress instance without any theme guidance.


That's it! We've integrated both the Envato WordPress Toolkit Plugin and Library for theme update checking. Now, once an update becomes available in the Marketplace, our customers would get an admin notification. The best thing with what we've done is that they can easily perform the update without leaving the admin.

You can go ahead and download the full source from the link above the article. The code also contains the covered topics in the previous part of this tutorial.

As this is my very first tutorial series, I highly appreciate any feedback, comments and suggestions. Let me know what you think!



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