Turning a WordPress Server Dashboard into a Widget

Final product image
What You'll Be Creating
In the previous article, we created a basic structure of our plugin. Now it's time to implement the rendering class for each of our widgets.

Recall that all widget providers have to implement Provider interface. They also have to sit inside folder named widget, and under the namespace AX\StatBoard\Widget. If we want to add a new kind of metric, just create a corresponding class, and create an object and add it to Widget class with the add_provider method.

RAM Usage Widget

One of the first pieces of information we want to display is how much RAM is currently being used and how much is currently free.

In this case, free -m is our friend - it tells us RAM usage. the -m switch is to output the result in megabytes.

We will name the class is Ram. The corresponding file will be widget/ram.php. We just compose the basic and implement get_title here.

Next, we will implement get_metric to actually run the necessary shell command and pull out the information. I will explain more detail of get_metric later.We execute the command free -m | grep -E "Mem|Swap" | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4}'. Its output looks similar to this.

We parse each bit of information with PHP by splitting the lines into an array. We use array_map to loop over all element of array and for each of line, we split by spaces, then return an associative array with elements:
  • type: first field
  • total: second field
  • used: third field
  • free: forth field
Now, it's time for get_content.We used stacked bar chart to display the RAM usage. 

First, we call get_metric() to get the necessary data. Then, we just loop over it and format it to match Google chart data requirement. Finally, we use json_encode to convert them into a JavaScript object notation (or JSON). Then, we output a HTML code that contains a div element to hold the chart object. 

Finally, we call the corresponding Google Chart API to render the chart into that div element.
RAM usage widget shows physical memory and swap information.

Installed Software

The second widget we will cover is one that will display installed software. It's a widget that's intended to show what common packages we have on server and which version. 

For example, do we have NodeJS installed, do we have Ruby installed? Which version of PHP are we using? And so on.

Let's create widget/software.php with this initial content:So, as always, we have the get_title and it just return a simple string. For the get_metric(), we want to know if particular piece of software is installed or not. If so, then get its version information. 

To do this, we create an array of commands using the switch that shows the version of the software. For example, taking PHP, php -v shows version information, mysql --version shows MySQL information. 

The shell_exec returns false if the command returns and error or the command is not found. In that case, we can determine that the software isn't installed; otherwise, we can parse the result to show the version information. Then, we split the result line-by-line, and retrieve the first line as version information. That's because the information we need is found only on the first line. 

For other applications, some command are too verbose with many information. Once we have the data, it's time to create out get_content method.

We just show a basic table for this kind of data. Here is out dashboard when showing up:
Widget shows software installation information

Disk Usage

Now we'll tackle disk usage. We name the class that handles this task Disk. Let's craft basic skeleton first.

As always, we have to implement Provider interface. We set a title for our widget here. Next is the heart of our class: The method for getting disk usage.

In the first part of this series, we gained some insight with the df command so understanding the following command should be easy: 

Recall the df output:
We split it line-by-line to turn it into an array. We loop through every line, split whole line by spaces to again turn it into an array. Then, we just map the value to have a more friendly, human readable associative array. When we have this data, we can put it into get_content.

We loop through over the metric array and try to convert the space in MB to GB. We build an array to match the chart data format requirement. The data array should looks like:

Once we have the data, we start to render the charts. We will make two charts:
  1. The first chart is for the space of each mounted file system on the total. For this data, we will be using a pie chart.
  2. The second chart is for displaying the disk usage of each individual mounted file system. For this, we'll be using a bar chart.

To that end, let's modify our method to the following:

We created two div elements to contain the informationThen the chart is then rendered inside those element with draw method of chart API. The most confusing thing here could be data format for our chart. 

Here is the result:
Disk usage

Server Information

This widget shows us the information: Linux kernel, CPU architecture, Up time, IP Address. We don't need a chart here, a simple data table do the job. Calling the class is Server. Here is out first content for widget/server.php

By this point, you should be familiar with get_title(). We just return the title of this widget.

First, we use the statement use DateTime because we are inside the namespace AX\StatBoard\Widget and the DateTime class is from the global namespace. Every time we want to use DateTime we have to type \DateTime. So we use namespace importing to make DateTime name available inside our current name space. 

Think of it like a symbolic link.  Inside get_metric we run shell command to get result and just assign it back.


Show your server hostname.

uname -sr

Show Linux kernel information:

grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo

-c switch prints a count of matching line in the input string. /proc/cpuinfo contains processor information. We grep it and count the occurrence of the word processor. Here is my result with 32 cores.

cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime

This command shows how many seconds the server has been up and running. We convert that numbers of second into a format of "x day y hour z minute" to make it more user-friendly. 

Using DateTime::diff we can achieve this easily. We create a DateTime object with current timestamp and another one with the timestamp is the current timestamp minus the numbers of second of uptime. Then using format method to format it to a human friendly string. 

Here is my result with the uptime of 26194091 seconds.

curl ifconfig.me

ifconfig.me is a service that shows your IP address when visiting directly inside a browser. If you send it a request with curl, it returns your IP address as a single string.

CPU Model

As mentioning above, /proc/cpuinfo stores CPU information. We can extract the CPU model from it. For example:Once we have all the data available in an array, we return it and feed the get_content method these piece of data. Here is out get_content, just showing the data:

Here is our widget on dashboard.
Server information


Monitoring our processor is one of the most important things we can display. We want to know how much of the CPU is being used and/or the amount of memory a particular process is consuming. We call our class Process, starting with get_title and get_metric first. I will explain more detail of get_metric after the code:

The command that shows us process is running is ps. It gives an extensive information with the switch -e as it allows us to see every process. For our widget, we only need to pull our COU, memory, PID, users, args, time and start. 

We can combine with -o mean user-defined format like: ps -eo pcpu,pmem,pid,user,args,time,start.  If you try out that command, you will get some of weird process like:

Notice the [kthread], [migration/0]. Basically, this means the command can not be located in file system. It could be some internal system process or kernel thread and we may not never want to care about it. Therefore, we should eliminate those process with grep. grep has -v switch enable us to to invert matching. It return the result that doesn't contain the string we pass to it.

To make the data looks good, we should sort the process by memory or CPU. In our tutorial, let's sort by %MEM. We can do that with sort command of Linux. And %MEM is the second column. 

Just like how you have an array with zero index, the second element is access by index key 1. We can use sort -k 1. It sorts lowest to highest. We actually care about the process that's consuming lot memory first. To that end, we should reverse the order with sort -k 1 -r. Once we got the result, we may only need the first 30 processes. Of course, it depends on you as you can choose to include everything, but I want to keep it short. 30 sounds like a reasonable number. 

Finally, we utilize awk to format the output. Here is our command with a sample output:
Once we get the result back, we split it into an array and loop through it with foreach. We group same name process into an element and add up the CPU percent and memory into it.We use array_combine to create an associative  array from two arrays: one for keys and one for values. 

All that's left is to implement the get_content method. Just a remind that we have to implement threes method: get_title, get_metric , and get_content. For the process, we only want to show a simple table. 

Our get_content method is straight forward.
And here is what we get:
Process widget display processes is running on server and their CPU and Memory consuming

Average Load

Linux has a command that shows us the average load of CPU and IO in over the last minute, five minutes, and 15 minutes. Let crunch it into a widget. Call it Cpuload, and create our widget/cpuload.php

The first thing is we count the number of CPU cores by reading /proc/cpuinfo and count the number of line contains the word "processor". We covered this in the section entitled Server Information.

In Linux, /proc/loadavg hold average load information. The first three columns are the load of one minute, five minutes and 15 minutes, respectively. awk is used here to filter out only fields that we need.The above result is split by spaces to build an array with three elements. The average load are calculated for all cores. So to to get the result, we loop through the $loadAvg array with array_map and divide with the number of cores we have. Note that we create 2 extra arrays with same length as the $loadAvg, one is for the key, another are to hold the number of core to pass all of the one by one to the callback of array_map

Time for get_content:

We use bar chart and create a data array from our array, then using json_encode to turn it into a JavaScript notation array that match the data format of bar chart. 

For Example:

Here is our result when the chart is rendered:

Ethernet Interface

The next widget we will tackle is for the Ethernet interface. Some server can have multiple ethernet interfaces with different IP Addresses are assigned to them. 

Seeing this information is very useful. Let's call this class Ethernet, start with this basic thing for widget/ethernet.php.

So the title of widget will be Ethernet. For get_metric, we will try to get all ethernet interface names, then we get the IP address of each one, and combine the device name and IP address to return. 

We will need to handle two situations: if server uses ifconfig or if the server uses ip utility. Newer servers most likely have ip instead of ifconfig; therefore, we should run ip first to get ethernet devices.

Using IP Utility

The ip command with -oneline will show output in only one line, where as link and show will list all devices. We use awk to get the second column, with the device names; however it contains the : char. We used sed to replace : with an empty string. 

Here is the result when we run them on command line:

If the shell_exec runs successfully, we proceed with the IP utility. The above output is split into an array line by line. Then we loop through that array, and again use the ip command ip -oneline -family inet addr show device_name to get the IP address that is assigned to the device.The IP address appears in column four, so awk is used to print out that value. Then we use cut to split the command by / and get the first element with swich -f1. 

Take a look at output to see how things work when we run them on command line:
When we got the device name in interfaces array and IP address in addresses array, we create an associative array with the interface name as key and IP address as value.

Servers Using ifconfig

In the case of ifconfig, the shell_exec of ip will return false. In that case, we run ifconfig instead. 

The logic that we covered above is exactly the same - it's just a different utility to grab the information.Let's run above command in terminal so we have an idea as to what's happening. 

Note that ifconfig shows the IP address directly in the output, therefore we can just get them instead of running a loop over devices array and get IP address of each one.

Once we have the data, putting them in get_content is easy because we just show a simple table here.

Here is how it shows up to the administrator:

Network Traffic

Network traffic, or Network IO, shows the status of transferring packages over the network of computers. The information is pulled off from netstat.

Let's get our basic class Networkio in file widget/networkio.php

I will explain them later in the article. For now, let try to evaluate the command we used in above code. 

I will try to run multiple commands so you can understand the difference once we pass the result to another pipe.

netstat return many things, we used grep to eliminate the line contains words Iface or Kernel (the first two lines), we only care about the last three lines with our ethernet devices and their package transferring. awk is used to print out the data of first, forth and eighth column meaning the name of interface, RX-OK and TX-OK.

In our get_metric, we split the result line-by-line into an array. Because each of line contains data separate by the comma, so they are split again into an array. 

We make sure accept only array with three elements. We also try to convert the numeric string into a integer value. The data, in turn will be feed the get_content.

We used the bar chart earlier, and tried to format the array of metric data into bar chart data format, then render it. 

Each row of data array represents a group bar with the bar name and their corresponding values. In our case, each row is the interface name and the RX bar and TX bar. 

Here is what we got:

Input/Output Statistics

Now, we tackle io stat. IO means input/output. We will find out how many read/write operations are performed per second. We also tackle io_wait. IO Wait is the time that CPU is idle waiting the result that it read from hard drive. 

For example you're reading the MySQL data, and CPU will be idle to wait for the result. The io wait is calculated on 1 second or 1000 milliseconds. If your code takes 100 milliseconds to read data from hard drive, then the io_wait is 100/1000 = 10%. The less IO wait, the better performance for system.

In order to proceed with this, please make sure you have sysstat package on system. 

  1. For Arch Linux, install with pacman -S sysstat
  2. For Debian/Ubuntu, you can get them with apt-get install sysstat
  3. For Fedora/Centos, you can use  yum install sysstat
  4. For other distributions,:please use your distribution package manager to install it

Once you installed, let's evaluate some commands we will use. First thing's first:

The forth line contains data of IO status. We are interested in iowait value in fourth column. The data from seventh line going forward contains read/write block per second of the hard drive. 

If you have many hard drives attached to the server, you will have more than one device: sdb, sdc, and so on. 

The data is the number of blocks instead of the real size in megabytes. We have to find the block size to calculate the total size. 

The block size is stored in /sys/block/sda/queue/physical_block_size.

So my sda's block size is 512. We multiply the number of block read per second with the block size to get the real size of read/write data.

With the basic above knowledge, let's create our class Iostat in widget/iostat.php.

We just tried to implement our theory into PHP code. Getting output of iostat, turn it into an array with every line is an element. 

The forth line is split by spaces and map into an associative array. All the lines after seventh line are put into another associative array with the key are device name (sda, sdb, sdc,..) and the value is an array if read and write in megabytes. 

Once we get the metric, feed it into get_content and render our chart.

For disk IO read and writes, we used a bar chart. For IO wait, we use gauge chart to make it look nice. We consider an IOwait of 80-100 is a critical incident, and highlight it with red. 

For the 50-80, we highlight with yellow. Gauge enables us to do that with the option:

Let's see our hard work in real life:
DISK IO in bar chart and Gauge chart for IO wait

What's Next?

At this point, we've finished all of the widgets for our plugin. You can download the plugin in this tutorial to avoid typing all of the tutorial code. Installing plugin, then refreshing your dashboard and use the Screen Option to decide which widget you want to show.

Our plugin works great at this point; however, we can go further to implement Users and Roles check because the data can be sensitive. 

We also should use cronjob to pull these metric. Stay tuned for the next part. 

As always, be sure to leave a comment to let us know what you think about the plugin, and if you customize it (as well as how!).



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