Creating Customized Comment Emails: Building a Plugin

In the first post in this series, we took a look at the variety of emails that WordPress sends depending on how it's used. We also discussed how it's possible to customize emails that WordPress sends without actually having to outsource the functionality to third party services.

We also reviewed the various filters that WordPress provides for hooking into the system in order to customize our emails; however, because the number of emails that WordPress sends is so large, we've opted to take a focused look at comment moderation and comment notification emails.

So in this article, we're going to be building a plugin that will allow us to completely customize the look and feel of comment-specific emails. Ultimately, this should give you some insight as to how the available hooks work, what's required to customize the emails, and how you can take advantage of the WordPress API to customize the content of your emails.

Preparing The Plugin

Because the purpose of this article is meant to serve as a tutorial for building a plugin, let's go ahead and begin with the practical steps necessary to get us started.

Though this entire project is available on GitHub for reference, I highly recommend following along with the steps in this article before downloading the working plugin. After all, it's meant to provide a reference for when things go wrong - not to help you jump to the conclusion.

Setup The Directory

The first thing that we need to do is setup a directory for our plugins. We can do this by creating a custom-comment-emails directory in wp-content/plugins.

Next, create the following directories and files:

  • lang/
  • lang/plugin.po
  • plugin.php

Note that the lang directory will be used to keep our localization files for others to provide translations.

The Localization File

In plugin.po add the following text:

Obviously, you'll want to customize this to meet your needs, but you get the general idea. Once done, make sure that you grab a copy of POEdit as we'll be using this program to generate the MO files which are used for localization.

The Plugin File

We'll be taking an object-oriented approach to building our plugin so let's go ahead and stub out the class that will serve as the core of our plugin.

For this plugin, we need to provide the header definition, a constructor, three functions, and a helper method. Easy enough, right?

We'll work on filling out these functions throughout this article, but go ahead and review the code comments so that you have a clear understanding of where we're headed.

Setting Up The Constructor

The first thing that we need to do is to prepare the constructor. Recall that this part of the class is responsible for initializing the plugin, setting up localization information, and specifying any hooks.

Since we've already stubbed out the necessary functions, it should be easy to follow with what's going on, but code comments have been provided for completeness.

In short, we've specified the function to set the plugin's textdomain for localization purposes and we've specified the hooks that we'll be using. Namely, those for comment moderation and comment notification.


Next, let's define the function that will retrieve the plugin's localization files from the lang directory that we created when initializing this plugin.

This is a simple, single line call that's provided by the WordPress API.

The key takeaway from this particular function is the key that we've used to identify this plugin's locale. For those who are unfamiliar, this must be unique as it's what will allow translators to provide localized versions of strings that we'll be adding throughout the remainder of this plugin.

Other than that, localization is good to go.


Before we actually implement the functionality for our notification emails, there's an import distinction that we need to make. Specifically, we need to talk about the difference in moderation emails and in notification emails.

By default, WordPress requires that any comment left associated by an email address that isn't recognized by authorized. This triggers an email to be sent to the site administrator (or the blog post author) to approve the comment. From that point forward, the comments will be automatically approved.

That said, WordPress does allow administrators to disable this moderation functionality and let anyone leave a comment regardless of if they've previously done so.

I bring this up because this influences the way that we'll be developing this plugin. There are six hooks - three for moderation and three for notification - all of which are similar in that they are related to an email's header, subject line, and message.

The hooks are as follows:

  • comment_moderation_headers
  • comment_moderation_subject
  • comment_moderation_text
  • comment_notification_headers
  • comment_notification_subject
  • comment_notification_text

To make things simple, we'll be associating our three functions with all six plugins. This means users will see the same email for moderation as well as for notification.

In a production environment, this isn't necessarily ideal; however, to demonstrate how to take advantage of these hooks and how to customize emails, it works well.

The Subject

First, let's begin with the simple task of updating the email's subject line. This doesn't require that we work with any markup (which is somewhat of a pain in email clients anyway, as you'll soon see :), and it's a simple function that we can easily customize.

For our example, let's rewrite the email's subject line to read:

[Post Title] Hey There - Looks like you've got a new comment!

To do this, locate the email_subject function and then update it to include the following. Code comments are provided for completeness, but we'll discuss it a bit more just after the function:

Notice that the function accepts two parameters - subject, and comment ID. The subject is the original subjet that's being passed into the function. This is useful if you want to prepend or append text to the subject line, but we're going to be writing our own so it will actually be overwritten.

The comment_ID is useful because it will allow us to retrieve a variety of information such as the post, the post's title, and so on simply from using the comment ID.

In fact, that's how we retrieve the post title for the subject line. Notice, however, that in our post we're making a call to $this->get_post_title( $comment_id ).

A Small Helper Function

This is the helper function that we've defined in order to help us easily retrieve the post title associated with the given comment. We've abstracted it into a helper function so that we can use it later in the plugin.

The helper function is simple:

Clear, right? Get a reference to the comment object by the specified ID, then return the title of the post that's associated with the given comment's post ID.

At this point, feel free to test your code. Assuming that you followed the steps in the first article, you should have a development environment setup that's sending emails to your inbox.

Example Subject Line

Activate the plugin, leave a comment on the post and you should see a new subject line.

Neat, huh?

The Email Text

Next, we're ready to begin actually setting the email text. In our plugin, let's have the email include the folllowing:

  • A header that reads "Comment For [Post Title]"
  • An area for the content that reads "The original contents of this email read:" after which we'll include the original comments
  • A simple footer that denotes if this is a normal comment or a trackback or pingback, and that includes the comment author's email address.

We'll also provide some styling to demonstrate how we can easily customize the look and feel of an email.

So locate the email_text function and include the following:

Though the code comments should be relatively clear, note that we're doing the following:

  • Retrieving the comment
  • Setting up a header for the email (where we also retrieve the post title using our helper function)
  • Writing out the original code comment
  • Defining a footer that shows the type of comment and the comment author

Note also that we've written some inline styles. I'm assuming that you'll be using Gmail as your mail client when testing these emails; however, every email client handles styles differently so be sure to review this chart if you end up doing this in some of your production-ready projects.

Once done, trigger another email and you should see something like the following:

Text Based Emails

Oops! That's not what we want. Luckily, this is an easy fix and it requires one more line of code in the plugin.

Setting The Headers

In order to send styled, HTML-based messages using WordPress, we need to set the headers of the email properly. To do this, update the email_headers function to look like this:

This informs the email client to render the content as HTML. Permitting that you've done this right, you should see something like the following:

HTML Email

Much better!


Obviously, we've only scratched the surface of just how powerful customizing your WordPress-based emails can be especially if you take the time to generate some nice markup, elaborate styles, and so on.

In my opinion, the most important thing to understand is how to hook into the filters that are provided that allow us to do all of the above.

Hopefully, this series has provided enough information to get your started. Remember to check out the plugin on GitHub, and good luck with those custom emails!




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