A Beginners Guide to Titan Framework: Adding a Code Type Option

Sometimes while building a plugin or a theme, developers like to provide end users with the ability to add custom code. Today, I'll discuss how to add the code type option with Titan Framework, which lets you create an editor in which you can add any custom code. Let's take a look at it!

The Code Type Option in Titan Framework

In Titan Framework, it is possible to create a text area for inputting the code via its code type option. The textarea supports syntax highlighting, so in whichever language you code, its corresponding highlighting is adopted. This option has an ability to automatically enqueue CSS and JavaScript—how cool is that? In your dashboard, it appears like this:

Adding Code Type Options in Titan

Let's look at the parameters of this option:

  • name: It specifies the display name of this option.
  • id: It assigns a unique name which retrieves saved values.
  • desc: It adds a one-line description with the option name.
  • default(Optional) It sets the default value of the option.
  • livepreview: (Optional) Whenever you add a code type option in a theme customizer section, you get to see a live preview of changes with this parameter.
  • lang: (Optional) This parameter defines the language used for syntax highlighting. The default is set to css. Here's a list of all supported languages.
  • theme: (Optional) You can set the color theme with this parameter. The default is chrome. Here's a list of all supported themes.
  • height: (Optional) It configures the height of the code editor. The default height is 200 px.

All the parameters are string by type, except 'height' which is int.

Available Containers for the Code Type Option

You can add this option inside: 

  • Admin Panel
  • Admin Tabs
  • Metabox
  • Theme Customizer Section

You can add this option inside the containers by following these steps:

  • First get an instance via the getInstance() function.
  • Next add an option via the createOption() function.
  • Finally, get saved options values via the getOption() function.

To revise your concepts about creating containers with Titan Framework, read the previous articles of this series.

Creating a Code Type Option Inside an Admin Panel

Example Declaration

Let's create this option inside an admin panel first.

I created the option with the createOption() function in line #7 to add a code type option in a custom admin panel container $aa_panel. I've defined a list of parameters: name, id, type, lang and desc. The value of ID should always be unique, i.e. aa_code_opt. The value of lang is css, which means the syntax highlighting of CSS will be adopted.

The code type option in the Neat Options

In the above screenshot, there exists an admin panel Neat Options and inside it, you can find a code type option named Enter Custom Code.

Example Usage

Now I'll get the saved values.

The code type option can be used to allow end users to add custom CSS/JS code in the theme or plugin. So considering this example, let me show you how it will work.

Titan Framework will automatically enqueue your code in accordance with what you choose as the value of the lang parameter. If it is set to css or javascript, a CSS or a JS file with the user's code will be enqueued. 

As the value of the lang parameter is css, it will enqueue a CSS file with my custom code. I don't need to do anything else. Look at the code above—it has a div with class aa_content and dummy text inside it.

Displaying the Result at the Front-End

Right at this stage, my front-end looks like this:

Viewing the results of the code type on the front-end

I entered my custom CSS for .aa_content class in the code option inside the dashboard.

Entering code into the Code Type element

That div with .aa_content class at the front-end got styled as follows:

Viewing the results on the front-end with the change in code

The changes are quite visible in the above screenshot.

Creating a Code Type Option Inside an Admin Tab

Example Declaration

Next I'll create this option inside an admin tab.

Here I add this option in an admin tab $aa_tab1.  The value of its ID is aa_code_opt_in_tab and lang is css.

Adding the code type element in the tabbed navigation

In the image, there is a code type option inside Tab 1 of panel Neat Options 2.

Example Usage

Let's get the saved options values.

Again a div tag with .aa_content class and a paragraph of dummy text.

Displaying the Result at the Front-End

To display results at the front-end, I added custom CSS code and saved it.

Writing code in the code type option in Titan

Now the front-end looks like this:

Viewing the result of the changes

Creating a Code Type Option Inside a Metabox

Example Declaration

Now I'll create this option in a metabox.

I add another code type option in a metabox $aa_metbox with ID aa_code_opt_in_metabox. The rest of the parameters are the same. 

Adding the code type option to a meta box

You can find this option in a metabox named Metabox Options. It appears on all page and post editing screens.

Example Usage

Use the following code to get saved values from a metabox.

The same dummy text with .aa_content class in a div tag.

Displaying the Result at the Front-End

This time I used the following code.

Adding new code to the code type option

The front-end looks like this:

Reviewing the result of the change in code

Creating a Code Type Option Inside a Theme Customizer Section

Example Declaration

Finally, I'll create this option in a theme customizer section.

I created this option inside a theme customizer section $aa_section1. Its unique ID is aa_code_opt_in_sec

Adding the code type option into the Customizer

In this image, there is a code type option named Enter Custom Code inside a customizer section My Section.

Example Usage

This time I add the class .aa_content in the div tag of a single post.

Displaying the Result at the Front-End 

Here is a screenshot of the live previewed changes.

Viewing the code type option in the Customizer


That's about it. While there is a big debate about whether one should provide a custom code option with the ability to add custom CSS or not, there is one important advantage if you do.

This way the modifications or the custom code by the end users get saved in the options database instead of being written in the theme files, so when they update their themes, the changes would still be there.

If you have any questions, let me know through the comments or reach out on Twitter.



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