Using WordPress Meta Boxes to Build a Basic SEO Plugin

One of the core feature provided by WordPress in extending its functionality is its Meta Box API. These meta boxes enable you to easily add additional data to your content. For example, the Post Tags meta box enables you set tags for your post.

In this article, we will build a basic SEO plugin that adds a meta description, and an Open Graph title and description tag to the head element of WordPress pages. In doing this, we'll also learn how to create a custom meta boxes, how to sanitize user-provided data, how to save the data to a post or page, and how to and retrieve the saved data.

Because I will not be explaining each and every bit of what the codes use in this tutorial does, a basic knowledge of meta boxes and what the PHP functions does is assumed. If You're not familiar with the basics, then a great start in How to Create Custom WordPress Write/Meta Boxes.

Creating the Meta Box

First, we need to decide decide where the meta box should appear. 

In our plugin, the meta box will be added in the post and page screen. To achieve this, a function is created containing a variable that stores an array of where to show the meta box and a foreach loop that loop through the array and add the meta box to the given screen using the add_meta_box function. 

And finally, the function is hooked to the add_meta_boxes action.

Alternatively, you could add a double add_meta_box function to include the meta box at both the post and page screen like so:

Coding the Meta Box Fields

From the code above, the callback function to print out the HTML for the edit screen section is referenced as tes_mb_function which is the third argument passed to add_meta_box function.

In our plugin, we are only coding two HTML form field to handle the Title and Description data.

The explanation of the tes_mb_function code above is as follows:

  • Retrieve and store the meta-data values in a variable only if it exists. This is done in order to populate the fields with its values when it present in the database.
  • A nonce feed is added so we can check for it later during verification before the data inserted into the form fields are save to the database.
  • The HTML form consisting of a text field input element and a text-area for capturing the title and description tag data respectively is echoed / printed.

At this point, you should be seeing the meta box in the post and page screen.

Saving Meta Box Data

A meta box isn't complete until it can save it the data to the database. The name of the function to handle the saving of data will be tes_mb_save_data. Its code is as follows.

Let's examine the above code:

  • First, we verify that this came from our screen and with proper authorization, because save_post can be triggered at other times and also verify that the nonce previously set in tes_mb_function is valid.
  • Then, if an entry already exists in the database, we'll retrieve it and store in $old_title and $old_description variable. We are doing this because the update_post_meta function that saves the data to the database optionally requires an old value to be check before updating the meta box database row with the new values.
  • After that, the submitted data gets sanitized using WordPress' sanitize_text_field function which convert HTML to its entity, strip all tags, remove line breaks, tabs and extra white space, strip octets.
  • The meta data is updated to the database via update_post_meta.
  • Finally, the tes_mb_save_data is hooked to the save_post action to save the meta box data when the post or page is updated.

Making Use of the Saved Data

Don't forget, the saved data is to be used in adding an Open Graph title and description as well as the meta description tag in the head element of each page.

To do this, we will create a function named tes_mb_display which will contain the desired tags and afterward, hook it into  wp_head action.

  • To successfully detect the post ID, we grab a reference to the post using the $post object global.
  • The meta data is then retrieved from the database and saved to the $tes_meta_title and $tes_meta_description variables, respectively. 
  • Next, we defined the meta tag to be inserted into the template head element.
  • Finally, we hook the function to wp_head.

If you have added and saved a title and description against a post or page, viewing that page source should reveal the presence of Open Graph title and description tag alongside meta description used by search engines.


In this article, we created a basic SEO plugin that adds a meta description and Open Graph tags used by search engines social networks to the header section of WordPress.

We learned how to create meta boxes, it form fields, sanitizing the data before saving to the database and retrieving the saved data for use.

An additional assignment to learn more about this process: Extend this plugin and add a meta keyword field to the meta box form and also include it among the tags that are inserted into WordPress header.



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