We all read more code than we write. Naturally we should be doing something to optimize the reading experience. Refactoring is the process of improving the structure and readability of code without changing its functionality.
In our new Coffee Break Course, JavaScript Refactoring Techniques, Envato Tuts+ instructor Pavan Podila will show you seven different techniques that can help you write more readable and refactored code.
And best of all, the course is completely free.

You'll see how to leverage the JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) syntax and features such as template strings, hoisting, IIFE, Function.bind, and a few more. By the end of this ten-minute Coffee Break Course, you will have some powerful techniques to improve and simplify your JavaScript code.
Watch the introduction below to find out more.
To take this free course, simply go to the course page and follow the steps to create a free account. If you already have an account, just log in and you’ll be able to get started right away.
And if you need extra help, you can find JavaScript debugging services and more on Envato Studio.