Facebook’s React Native is a powerful framework that allows you to quickly and effortlessly build Android and iOS apps using just JavaScript and JSX. Apps built using React Native make use of native user interface components and are thus indistinguishable from apps built directly using the SDKs of Android and iOS.
Their performance too is not too far behind that of native apps, because almost all the JavaScript code runs in the background on an embedded instance of JavaScriptCore, the same JavaScript engine that powers Apple’s Safari.
In this tutorial, I am going to help you get started with React Native for Android by showing you how to build a simple English-German dictionary app.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your computer:
- the latest version of the Android SDK and Android Support Library
- the latest version of Node.js
As of September 2015, React Native is only supported on OS X. However, with the help of a few scripts, React Native v0.11.4 works just fine on Ubuntu 14.04.
1. Installing React Native
React Native is available as a Node.js package and can be quickly installed using npm
, Node Package Manager.
npm install -g react-native-cli
To use React Native for developing Android apps, you should set the value of an environment variable called ANDROID_HOME to the absolute path of the directory containing the Android SDK. If you are using Bash shell, you can set the variable using export
export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/Android/Sdk
2. Creating a New Project
To create a React Native project, you should use React Native’s command line interface or CLI, which can be accessed using the react-native
command. We are creating a dictionary app in this tutorial so let’s call the project Dictionary.
react-native init Dictionary
Once the command completes, you will have a new directory called Dictionary, containing a starter React Native app. Enter the new directory using cd
cd Dictionary
Before you proceed, I suggest you run the starter app to make sure that your development environment has everything React Native needs. To do so, type in the following command:
react-native run-android
You will now find an app called Dictionary installed on your emulator. Click on its icon to start it. If everything went well, you should see a screen that looks like this:

3. Preparing the Entry Point of Your App
By default, the entry point of a React Native Android app is a JavaScript file called When you created the project using the React Native’s CLI, this file was created automatically. However, it contains code that belongs to the starter app. You can modify and use parts of that code for your app or you can simply delete all of it and start from scratch. For this tutorial, I suggest you do the latter.
Once you have deleted the contents of, use require
to load a module called react-native. This module contains all the React Native functions and objects you’ll need to create your app.
var React = require('react-native');
4. Creating a React Component
React components are JavaScript objects that are responsible for rendering and automatically updating the user interface of a React Native app. In fact, almost every user interface element of a React Native app is a React component. This means that, to create the user interface of your app, you need to create your own custom React component. To do so, use the createClass
function of React
. The following code creates a component called Dictionary:
var Dictionary = React.createClass({ });
You can think of this component as the first screen of your app.
Step 1: Defining the Layout
React Native automatically calls the render
function every time it needs to draw or update a component. Therefore, you must add this function to your component. Inside the function, you can define the layout of the component using JSX, a JavaScript syntax extension that allows you to easily mix XML tags with JavaScript code.
React Native offers several components you can use to compose the layout. For now, we will be using a React.View
as a container, a React.Text
to display text, and a React.TextInput
to accept user input. Add the following code to the component:
render: function() { var layout = <React.View style = { styles.parent } > <React.Text> Type something in English: </React.Text> <React.TextInput /> <React.Text style = { styles.germanLabel } > Its German equivalent is: </React.Text> <React.Text style = { styles.germanWord } > </React.Text> </React.View> ; return layout; },
If you are familiar with HTML, you can think of the View
as an HTML div
, the Text
as an HTML span
, and the TextInput
as an HTML input
Step 2: Adding Styles
In the above code snippet, several components have a style
attribute. The style
attribute is quite similar to the HTML class
attribute. However, instead of referring to a CSS class in a stylesheet, it refers to a JSON object in an instance of React.StyleSheet
To create a React.StyleSheet
object for your app, you need to use the React.StyleSheet.create
function. As its only argument, it expects a JSON object containing the styles of the individual components. Here are the styles I used for our example app:
var styles = React.StyleSheet.create({ // For the container View parent: { padding: 16 }, // For the Text label germanLabel: { marginTop: 20, fontWeight: 'bold' }, // For the Text meaning germanWord: { marginTop: 15, fontSize: 30, fontStyle: 'italic' } });
Step 3: Registering the Component
To let React Native know that it should render your component when your app starts, you must register it using the React.AppRegistry.registerComponent
function. To do so, add the following code at the end of
React.AppRegistry.registerComponent('Dictionary', () => Dictionary);
If you aren’t familiar with ES6 arrow functions, you can simply use the following conventional JavaScript code instead:
React.AppRegistry.registerComponent('Dictionary', function() { return Dictionary; });
If you want to, you can now reload your app to see the new layout. To do so, press the menu button of your emulator and click on Reload JS.

4. Controlling the State of the Component
All components have a special member variable called state, which is a JSON object. It’s special, because as soon as the state
of a component changes, React Native automatically re-renders the component to reflect the change. This is a very useful feature and by using it correctly you can do away with manually fetching or updating the contents of your app’s user interface elements.
Let’s add two keys, input and output, to the Dictionary
component’s state
. To do so, you’ll have to use a function called getInitialState
. The return value of this function becomes the state
of the component.
getInitialState: function() { return { input: '', output: '' }; },
You can now associate the TextInput
with input
and the last Text
component with output
. After doing so, your layout should look like this:
<React.View style = { styles.parent } > <React.Text> Type something in English: </React.Text> <React.TextInput text = { this.state.input } /> <React.Text style = { styles.germanLabel } > Its German equivalent is: </React.Text> <React.Text style = { styles.germanWord } > { this.state.output } </React.Text> </React.View>
As you might have guessed, input
will contain the English word the user enters while output
will contain its German equivalent.
Though changes in the state
are automatically pushed to the user interface, the reverse is not true. This means, our component’s state
does not change if the user enters something into the TextInput
. To update the state
manually, you should use the component’s setState
To send the value of the TextInput
to input
, you can add an onChangeText
listener to the TextInput
and make a call to setState
inside it. Using ES6, the TextInput
tag will look like this:
<React.TextInput text = { this.state.input } onChangeText={(e) => this.setState({input: e})} />
At this point, anything the user types into your app’s TextInput
is immediately available in input
. All that’s left for us to do is map the input
to its German equivalent and update output
. To do that, you can use a dictionary called Mr. Honey’s Beginner’s Dictionary (German-English) by Winfried Honig. Download the JSON equivalent of the dictionary from GitHub and add it to your project.
To load the dictionary inside, use require
var english_german = require('./english_german.json');
As english_german
is nothing more than a global JSON object where the English words are keys and their German equivalents are values, all you have to do now is check if input
is available as a key, and, if yes, call setState
to assign the associated value to output
. The code to do so could look like this:
showMeaning: function() { // Use the ternary operator to check if the word // exists in the dictionary. var meaning = this.state.input in english_german ? english_german[this.state.input] : "Not Found"; // Update the state this.setState({ output: meaning }); },
You can now assign showMeaning
to the onSubmitEditing
listener of the TextInput
so that it is called only when the user has finished typing.
<React.TextInput onChangeText={(e) => this.setState({input: e})} text = { this.state.input } onSubmitEditing = { this.showMeaning } />
Your dictionary app is ready. You can reload it and type in an English word to immediately see its German translation.

In this tutorial, you learned how to install React Native and use it to create your first Android app, an English-German dictionary, using just JavaScript and JSX. While doing so, you learned how to compose a custom component, style it, and use its state
to control what it shows.
To learn more about React Native, you can go through its documentation.