Typical internet users connect to lots of different services and web applications. As we come to use more and more of these services, we expect them to integrate with each other for convenience and ease of use. Much of this integration is made possible through OAuth, a standard for authorizing integrations between applications securely and reliably.

In our new Coffee Break Course, Understanding OAuth, Envato Tuts+ instructor Simon Bacquie will explain what OAuth is and why it is used, through visuals and examples. You'll see an actual OAuth integration happen between two web apps that were written specifically for this course.
In just ten minutes, you'll get fully up to speed on how OAuth works. Watch the introduction below to find out more.
You can take our new Coffee Break Course straight away with a free 10-day trial of our monthly subscription. If you decide to continue, it costs just $15 a month, and you’ll get access to hundreds of courses, with new ones added every week.
If you want a ready-made solution to help you with authentication for your app, you can find some very useful OAuth plugins, code and scripts on Envato Market.