Interactive Bindings

Form elements are the conventional way to interact with users through a webpage. Working with forms in Knockout.js is much the same as working with appearance bindings. But, since users can edit form fields, Knockout.js manages updates in both directions. This means that interactive bindings are two-way. They can be set programmatically and the view will update accordingly, or they can be set by the view and read programmatically.

Figure 19: Knockout.js propagating changes in both directions

For example, you can set the value of a text input field from the ViewModel and it will be displayed in the view. But, the user typing something into the input field causes the associated property on the ViewModel to update, too. The point is, Knockout.js always makes sure that the view and the ViewModel are synchronized.

Knockout.js includes 11 bindings for interacting with the user:

  • click: <method>—Call a ViewModel method when the element is clicked.
  • value: <property>—Link a form element’s value to a ViewModel property.
  • event: <object>—Call a method when a user-initiated event occurs.
  • submit: <method>—Call a method when a form is submitted.
  • enable: <property>—Enable a form element based on a certain condition.
  • disable: <property>—Disable a form element based on a certain condition.
  • checked: <property>—Link a radio button or check box to a ViewModel property.
  • options: <array>—Define a <select> element with a ViewModel array.
  • selectedOptions: <array>—Define the active elements in a <select> field.
  • hasfocus: <property>—Define whether or not the element is focused.

Like the appearance bindings presented in the previous lesson, these are all defined in the data-bind attribute of an HTML element. Some of them (like the click binding) work on any element, but others (like checked) can only be used with specific elements.

One of the major benefits of using Knockout.js to manage HTML forms is that you still only have to worry about the data. Whenever the user changes a form element’s value, your ViewModel will automatically reflect the update. This makes it very easy to integrate user input into the rest of your application.


An HTML Form

This lesson uses a new HTML page for the running example. Instead of a shopping cart display page, we’ll be working with a registration form for new customers. Create a new HTML file called interactive-bindings.html and add the following:

This is a simplified version of what we’ve been working with throughout the series. In this lesson, we’ll only be worrying about configuring form elements. Processing form submissions is left for the next lesson.

The click Binding

The click binding is one of the simplest interactive bindings. It just calls a method of your ViewModel when the user clicks the element. For example, add the following button inside of the <form> element:

When the user clicks the button, Knockout.js calls the saveUserData() method on PersonViewModel. In addition, it passes two parameters to the handler method: the current model and the DOM event. A saveUserData() method utilizing both of these parameters would look something like:

In this particular example, model refers to the top-level ViewModel instance, and event is the DOM event trigged by the user’s click. The model argument will always be the current ViewModel, which makes it possible to access individual list items in a foreach loop. This is how we implemented the removeProduct() method in Lesson 3:.

The value Binding

The value binding is very similar to the text binding we’ve been using throughout this series. The key difference is that it can be changed by the user, and the ViewModel will update accordingly. For instance, we can link the firstName and lastName observables with an input field by adding the following HTML to the form (before the <button>):

The value: firstName binding makes sure that the <input> element’s text is always the same as the ViewModel’s firstName property, regardless of whether it’s changed by the user or by your application. The same goes for the lastName property.

Figure 20: Two-way connections between observables and form fields

We can examine this further by including a button for displaying the user’s name and another to set it programmatically. This lets us see how the value binding works from both ends:

The handler methods should look something like the following:

Clicking Display Name will read the ViewModel’s firstName property, which should match the <input> element, even if it has been edited by the user. The Set Name button sets the value of the ViewModel’s property, causing the <input> element to update. The behavior of the latter is essentially the same as a normal text binding.

Once again, the whole point behind this two-way synchronization is to let you focus on your data. After you set up a value binding, you can completely forget about HTML form elements. Simply get or set the associated property on the ViewModel and Knockout.js will take care of the rest.

We won’t be needing the displayName and setName methods or their respective buttons, so you can go ahead and delete them if you like.

The event Binding

The event binding lets you listen for arbitrary DOM events on any HTML element. It’s like a generic version of the click binding. But, because it can listen for multiple events, it requires an object to map events to methods (this is similar to the attr binding’s parameter). For example, we can listen for mouseover and mouseout events on the first <input> element with the following:

When the user fires a mouseover event, Knockout.js calls the showDetails() method of our ViewModel. Likewise, when he or she leaves the element, hideDetails() is called. Both of these take the same parameters as the click binding’s handlers: the target of the event and the event object itself. Let’s implement these methods now:

Now, when you interact with the First name field, you should see both messages pop up. But, instead of just displaying an alert message, let’s show some extra information for each form field when the user rolls over it. For this, we need another observable on PersonViewModel:

The details property acts as a toggle, which we can switch on and off with our event handler methods:

Then we can combine the toggle with the visible binding to show or hide form field details in the view:

The contents of the <span> should appear whenever you mouse over the First name field and disappear when you mouse out. This is pretty close to our desired functionality, but things get more complicated once we want to display details for more than one form field. Since we only have one toggle variable, displaying details is an all-or-nothing proposition—either details are displayed for all of the fields, or for none of them.

Figure 21: Toggling all form field details simultaneously

One way to fix this is by passing a custom parameter to the handler function.

Event Handlers with Custom Parameters

It’s possible to pass custom parameters from the view into the event handler. This means you can access arbitrary information from the view into the ViewModel. In our case, we’ll use a custom parameter to identify which form field should display its details. Instead of a toggle, the details observable will contain a string representing the selected element. First, we’ll make some slight alterations in the ViewModel:

The only big change here is the addition of a details parameter to the showDetails() method. We don’t need a custom parameter for the hideDetails() function since it just clears the details observable.

Next, we’ll use a function literal in the event binding to pass the custom parameter to showDetails():

The function literal for mouseover is a wrapper for our showDetails() handler, providing a straightforward means to pass in extra information. The mouseout handler remains unchanged. Finally, we need to update the <span> containing the details:

The First name form field should display its detailed description when you mouse over and hide when you mouse out, just like it did in the previous section. Only now, it’s possible to add details to more than one field by changing the custom parameter. For example, you can enable details for the Last name input element with:

Event bindings can be a little bit complicated to set up, but once you understand how they work, they enable limitless possibilities for reactive design. The event binding can even connect to jQuery’s animation functionality, which is discussed in Lesson 8:. For now, we’ll finish exploring the rest of Knockout.js’ interactive bindings. Fortunately for us, none of them are nearly as complicated as event bindings.

The enable/disable Bindings

The enable and disable bindings can be used to enable or disable form fields based on certain conditions. For example, let’s say you wanted to record a primary and a secondary phone number for each user. These could be stored as normal observables on PersonViewModel:

The primaryPhone observable can be linked to a form field with a normal value binding:

However, it doesn’t make much sense to enter a secondary phone number without specifying a primary one, so we activate the <input> for the secondary phone number only if primaryPhone is not empty:

Now users will only be able to interact with the Secondary phone field if they’ve entered a value for primaryPhone. The disable binding is a convenient way to negate the condition, but otherwise works exactly like enable.

The checked Binding

checked is a versatile binding that exhibits different behaviors depending on how you use it. In general, the checked binding is used to select and deselect HTML’s checkable form elements: check boxes and radio buttons.

Simple Check Boxes

Let’s start with a straightforward check box:

This adds a check box to our form and links it to the annoyMe property of the ViewModel. As always, this is a two-way connection. When the user selects or deselects the box, Knockout.js updates the ViewModel, and when you set the value of the ViewModel property, it updates the view. Don’t forget to define the annoyMe observable:

Using the checked binding in this fashion is like creating a one-to-one relationship between a single check box and a Boolean observable.

Figure 22: Connecting a Boolean observable with a single check box

Check-box Arrays

It’s also possible to use the checked binding with arrays. When you bind a check box to an observable array, the selected boxes correspond to elements contained in the array, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 23: Connecting an observable array with multiple check boxes

For instance, consider the following observable:

We can connect the items in this observable array to check boxes using the value attribute on each <input> element:

This uses the annoyMe property from the previous lesson to toggle a list of check boxes for selecting when it would be a good time to be annoyed. Since value='morning' is on the first check box, it will be selected whenever the "morning" string is in the annoyTimes array. The same goes for the other check boxes. "morning" and "evening" are the initial contents of the array, so you should see something like the following in your webpage:

Figure 24: Check boxes displaying the initial state of the annoyTimes observable array

And since we’re using an observable array, the connection is two-way—deselecting any of the boxes will remove the corresponding string from the annoyTimes array.

Radio Buttons

The last context for the checked binding is in a radio button group. Instead of a Boolean or an array, radio buttons connect their value attribute to a string property in the ViewModel. For example, we can turn our check-box array into a radio button group by first changing the annoyTimes observable to a string:

Then, all we have to do is turn the <input> elements into radio buttons:

Each <input> should have "radio" as its type and "annoyGroup" as its name. The latter doesn’t have anything to do with Knockout.js—it just adds all of them to the same HTML radio button group. Now, the value attribute of the selected radio button will always be stored in the annoyTimes property.

Figure 25: Connecting an observable string with multiple radio buttons

The options Binding

The options binding defines the contents of a <select> element. This can take the form of either a drop-down list or a multi-select list. First, we’ll take a look at drop-down lists. Let’s edit the annoyTimes property one more time:

Then we can bind it to a <select> field with:

You should now have a drop-down list instead of a radio button group, but it’s no use having such a list if you can’t figure out which item is selected. For this, we can reuse the value binding from earlier in the lesson:

This determines which property on the ViewModel contains the selected string. We still need to define this property:

Again, this relationship goes both ways. Setting the value of selectedTime will change the selected item in the drop-down list, and vice versa.

Using Objects as Options

Combining the options and the value bindings give you all the tools you need to work with drop-down lists that contain strings. However, it’s often much more convenient to select entire JavaScript objects using a drop-down list. For example, the following defines a list of products reminiscent of the previous lesson:

When you try to create a <select> element out of this, all of your objects will be rendered as [object Object]:

Figure 26: Attempting to use objects with the options binding

Fortunately, Knockout.js lets you pass an optionsText parameter to define the object property to render in the <select> element:

For this snippet to work, you’ll also have to define a favoriteProduct observable on your ViewModel. Knockout.js will populate this property with an object from PersonViewModel.products—not a string like it did in the previous section.

The selectedOptions Binding

The other rendering possibility for HTML’s <select> element is a multi-select list. Configuring a multi-select list is much like creating a drop-down list, except that instead of one selected item, you have an array of selected items. So, instead of using a value binding to store the selection, you use the selectedOptions binding:

The size attribute defines the number of visible options, and multiple='true' turns it into a multi-select list. Instead of a string property, favoriteProducts should point to an array:

Note that we needed to provide the same object reference (brats) to both products and favoriteProducts for Knockout.js to initialize the selection correctly.

The hasfocus Binding

And so, we come to our final interactive binding: hasfocus. This aptly named binding lets you manually set the focus of an interactive element using a ViewModel property. If, for some strange reason, you’d like the “Primary phone” field to be the initial focus, you can add a hasfocus binding, like so:

Then you can add a Boolean observable to tell Knockout.js to give it focus:

By setting this property elsewhere in your application, you can precisely control the flow of focus in your forms. In addition, you can use hasfocus to track the user’s progress through multiple form fields.


This lesson covered interactive bindings, which leverage Knockout.js’ automatic dependency tracking against HTML’s form fields. Unlike appearance bindings, interactive bindings are two-way bindings—changes to the user interface components are automatically reflected in the ViewModel, and assignments to ViewModel properties trigger Knockout.js to update the view accordingly.

Interactive bindings, appearance bindings, and control-flow bindings compose Knockout.js’ templating toolkit. Their common goal is to provide a data-centric interface for your web applications. Once you define the presentation of your data using these bindings, all you have to worry about is manipulating the underlying ViewModel. This is a much more robust way to develop dynamic web applications.

This lesson discussed forms from the perspective of the view and the ViewModel. Interactive bindings are an intuitive, scalable method for accessing user input, but we have yet to discuss how to get this data out of the front-end and into a server-side script. The next lesson addresses this issue by integrating Knockout.js with jQuery’s AJAX functionality.

This lesson represents a chapter from Knockout Succinctly, a free eBook from the team at Syncfusion.



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