Getting Started With the Twitter Info Widget

Having the ability to connect your Twitter account to your WordPress-powered website is both useful for your visitors and you.

Your visitors will be able to get a little bit of information about you, your activity, and your reach on Twitter. And as far as you're concerned, they will also have the ability to follow you directly from your site. 

Very convenient, isn't it?

In this 60-second video, we show you how to get up and running with the Twitter Info Widget, one of the many products available in our marketplace, that you both your visitors and you can take advantage of your social profile.

As mentioned earlier, the plugin demonstrated in the video can be found on CodeCanyon. Furthermore, the documentation for the plugin is well-designed, comprehensive, and the plugin offers plenty in the way of customization.

For example, the plugin is

  • Fully responsive
  • Fully customizable
  • Unlimited colors for customization
  • Automatically grabs and extract Twitter data
  • Automatically update Twitter data every night for consistency
  • Twitter API integration
  • Custom messages before and after the widget
  • Using shortcodes to place the Twitter widget on any post or page
  • Supports all major browsers

Any questions that you have regarding the Twitter API, which may seem daunting for non-developers, are answered within the documentation. Additionally, the video demonstrates just how quickly you can get up and running with the Twitter API and this widget.

With that said, don't hesitate to leave comments, questions, and more about our 60 second video series. And be sure to look for more in the coming weeks!



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