You may have used the audio
tag to play sound in the past. While that works fine for simply playing a sound, it doesn't give us much control over the quality or timing of the playback.
In our new short course, Fun With Web Audio, you'll learn about the Web Audio API, a powerful new way of playing and manipulating sound in the browser with JavaScript.
You can complete the whole course in less than an hour of viewing time, so you can easily fit it in around your other commitments. And best of all, it’s free.
What You’ll Learn
In this short course, Tuts+ instructor Stuart Memo will show you how to build something you don't usually see in a web browser: a synthesizer. Stuart will demonstrate how to build a little musical keyboard with real-time additive audio synthesis. You'll also get a chance to experiment with analyzing sound and visualizing audio information on-screen.
Watch the Introduction
Take the Course
To take this free course, simply go to the course page and follow the steps to create a free account. If you already have an account, just log in and you’ll be able to get started right away.