In the first part of this series, we managed to get the start screen showing and were able to transition to the gamelevel screen. In this tutorial, we continue where we left of and start implementing the gameplay.
1. Local Variables
Open gamelevel.lua, the file we created in the first tutorial, and add the following below the line local scene = storyboard.newScene()
local playerSpeedY = 0 local playerSpeedX = 0 local playerMoveSpeed = 7 local playerWidth = 60 local playerHeight = 48 local bulletWidth = 8 local bulletHeight = 19 local islandHeight = 81 local islandWidth = 100 local numberofEnemysToGenerate = 0 local numberOfEnemysGenerated = 0 local playerBullets = {} -- Holds all the bullets the player fires local enemyBullets = {} -- Hold the bullets from "all" enemy planes local islands = {} -- Holds all the islands local planeGrid = {} -- Holds 0 or 1 (11 of them for making a grid system) local enemyPlanes = {} -- Holds all of the enemy planes local livesImages = {} -- Holds all of the "free life" images local numberOfLives = 3 local freeLifes = {} -- Holds all the ingame free lives local playerIsInvincible = false local gameOver = false local numberOfTicks = 0 -- A number that is incremented each frame of the game local islandGroup -- A group to hold all of the islands local planeGroup -- A group that holds all the planes, bullets, etc local player local planeSoundChannel -- SoundChannel for the plane sound local firePlayerBulletTimer local generateIslandTimer local fireEnemyBulletsTimer local generateFreeLifeTimer local rectUp -- The "up" control on the DPAD local rectDown -- The "down" control on the DPAD local rectLeft -- The "left" control on the DPAD local rectRight -- The "right" control on the DPAD
Most of these are self-explanatory, but I've included comments for clarification. From here on out, all code should be inserted above the line return scene
2. createScene
Start by adding the createScene
function to main.lua. The createScene
function is called when the scene's view doesn't yet exist. We'll add the game's display objects in this function.
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view end scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )
3. setupBackground
function setupBackground () local background = display.newRect( 0, 0, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight) background:setFillColor( 0,0,1) scene.view:insert(background) end
In setupBackground
, we create a blue background using the Display object's newRect
method. The setFillColor
method takes RGB values, as percentages. Invoke the setupBackground
function in createScene
as shown below.
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() end
4. setupGroups
The setupGroups
function instantiates the islandGroup
and planeGroup
groups, and inserts them into the scene's view
. The GroupObject is a special type of display object into which you can add other display objects. It's important to first add the islandGroup
to the view
to make sure the islands are below the planes.
function setupGroups() islandGroup = display.newGroup() planeGroup = display.newGroup() scene.view:insert(islandGroup) scene.view:insert(planeGroup) end
Invoke the setupGroups
function in createScene
as shown below.
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() setupGroups() end
5. setupDisplay
The setupDisplay
function draws a black rectangle at the bottom of the screen and inserts dpad and plane images into the view
function setupDisplay () local tempRect = display.newRect(0,display.contentHeight-70,display.contentWidth,124); tempRect:setFillColor(0,0,0); scene.view:insert(tempRect) local logo = display.newImage("logo.png",display.contentWidth-139,display.contentHeight-70); scene.view:insert(logo) local dpad = display.newImage("dpad.png",10,display.contentHeight - 70) scene.view:insert(dpad) end
Again, invoke this function in createScene
as shown below.
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() setupGroups() setupDisplay() end
6. setupPlayer
The setupPlayer
function simply adds the player image to the screen. The Display object comes with two read-only properties, contentWidth
and contentHeight
, representing the original width and height of the content in pixels. These values default to the screen width and height, but may have other values if you're using
content scaling in config.lua
. We use these properties to align the player in the scene.
function setupPlayer() player = display.newImage("player.png",(display.contentWidth/2)-(playerWidth/2),(display.contentHeight - 70)-playerHeight) player.name = "Player" scene.view:insert(player) end
Invoke the setupPlayer
function in createScene
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() setupGroups() setupDisplay() setupPlayer() end
7. setupLivesImages
The setupLivesImages
function sets up six life images and positions them at the top left of the screen. We then insert these images into the livesImages
table, so that we're able to reference them later. Lastly, we make sure that only the first three images are visible.
function setupLivesImages() for i = 1, 6 do local tempLifeImage = display.newImage("life.png", 40* i - 20, 10) table.insert(livesImages,tempLifeImage) scene.view:insert(tempLifeImage) if( i > 3) then tempLifeImage.isVisible = false; end end end
The setupLivesImages
function is also invoked in the createScene
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() setupGroups() setupDisplay() setupPlayer() setupLivesImages() end
8. setupDPad
The setupDPad
function sets up the four rectangles rectUp
, rectDown
, rectLeft
, and rectRight
. We carefully position them on top of the dpad image, configure them to not be visible, and make sure the isHitTestable
property is set to true
If you set display objects to not be visible, you're initially unable to interact with them. However, by setting the isHitTestable
property to true
, this behavior is overridden.
function setupDPad() rectUp = display.newRect( 34, display.contentHeight-70, 23, 23) rectUp:setFillColor(1,0,0) rectUp.id ="up" rectUp.isVisible = false; rectUp.isHitTestable = true; scene.view:insert(rectUp) rectDown = display.newRect( 34,display.contentHeight-23, 23,23) rectDown:setFillColor(1,0,0) rectDown.id ="down" rectDown.isVisible = false; rectDown.isHitTestable = true; scene.view:insert(rectDown) rectLeft = display.newRect( 10,display.contentHeight-47,23, 23) rectLeft:setFillColor(1,0,0) rectLeft.id ="left" rectLeft.isVisible = false; rectLeft.isHitTestable = true; scene.view:insert(rectLeft) rectRight= display.newRect( 58,display.contentHeight-47, 23,23) rectRight:setFillColor(1,0,0) rectRight.id ="right" rectRight.isVisible = false; rectRight.isHitTestable = true; scene.view:insert(rectRight) end
You've guessed it. This function is also invoked in createScene
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() setupGroups() setupDisplay() setupPlayer() setupLivesImages() setupDPad() end
9. resetPlaneGrid
The resetPlaneGrid
function resets the planeGrid
table and inserts eleven zeros. The planeGrid
table imitates eleven spots across the x axis, in which an enemy plane can be positioned. This will make more sense once we start generating enemy planes.
function resetPlaneGrid() planeGrid = {} for i=1, 11 do table.insert(planeGrid,0) end end
Invoke this function in createScene
function scene:createScene( event ) local group = self.view setupBackground() setupGroups() setupDisplay() setupPlayer() setupLivesImages() setupDPad() resetPlaneGrid() end
10. enterScene
Now that all the display objects are in place, it's time to add event listeners, timers, etc. If you recall from the previous part of this tutorial, the enterScene
function is a good place to set these up. Start by inserting the following code snippet.
function scene:enterScene( event ) local group = self.view end scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )
11. Removing the Previous Storyboard
When we enter this scene, we need to remove the previous scene. Add the following code to the enterScene
function to do this.
local previousScene = storyboard.getPrevious() storyboard.removeScene(previousScene)When you enter a new scene, the previous scene you were on can be referenced by calling
on the storyboard
object. We remove it completely from the storyboard by calling removeScene
on the storyboard
object.12. Add Event Listeners to Dpad Rectangles
Add the following code below the code you entered in the previous step. This code snippet adds touch listeners to each of the rectangles, invoking movePlane
with every touch. Let's take a look at this movePlane
function in the next step.
rectUp:addEventListener( "touch", movePlane) rectDown:addEventListener( "touch", movePlane) rectLeft:addEventListener( "touch", movePlane) rectRight:addEventListener( "touch", movePlane)
13. movePlane
The movePlane
function is responsible for setting the planes speed. We check if the touch event's phase is equal to began
, which means the player has touched down but not lifted their finger back up. If this is true, we set the speed and direction according to which rectangle was touched. If the touch event's phase is equal to ended
, then we know the player has lifted their finger, which means we set the speed to 0
function movePlane(event) if event.phase == "began" then if(event.target.id == "up") then playerSpeedY = -playerMoveSpeed end if(event.target.id == "down") then playerSpeedY = playerMoveSpeed end if(event.target.id == "left") then playerSpeedX = -playerMoveSpeed end if(event.target.id == "right") then playerSpeedX = playerMoveSpeed end elseif event.phase == "ended" then playerSpeedX = 0 playerSpeedY = 0 end end
14. PlaneSound
Let's add some sound to our game. Add the following code snippet to the enterScene
function. It loads and plays planesound.mp3. By setting the loops
property to -1
, the sound will loop forever. If you want to learn more about audio in Corona, be sure to check out the documentation.
local planeSound = audio.loadStream("planesound.mp3") planeSoundChannel = audio.play( planeSound, {loops=-1} )
15. enterFrame
We also add a runtime event listener named enterFrame
that will call the gameLoop
function. The frequency with which the enterFrame
event occurs depends on the frames per second (FPS) value you set in config.lua. In our example, it will be called 30 times per second. Add this event listener in the enterScene
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", gameLoop)
16. gameLoop
In the gameLoop
function we update the sprite positions and perform any other logic that needs to take place every frame. If you are interested in reading more on the topic of game loops, Michael James Williams wrote a great article that explains how a common game loop works. Add the following code snippet.
function gameLoop() movePlayer() end
17. movePlayer
The movePlayer
function manages the moving of the player's plane. We move the plane according to the playerSpeedX
and playerSpeedY
values, which will either be 7
or 0
, depending on whether the player is touching on the DPad or not. Refer back to the movePlane
function if this is unclear. We also do some bounds checking, making sure the plane cannot move off-screen.
function movePlayer() player.x = player.x + playerSpeedX player.y = player.y + playerSpeedY if(player.x < 0) then player.x = 0 end if(player.x > display.contentWidth - playerWidth) then player.x = display.contentWidth - playerWidth end if(player.y < 0) then player.y = 0 end if(player.y > display.contentHeight - 70- playerHeight) then player.y = display.contentHeight - 70 - playerHeight end end
If you test the game now, you should be able to navigate the plane around the screen using the DPad.
This brings the second tutorial of this series to a close. In the next installment of this series, we will continue with the gameplay. Thanks for reading and see you there.