Building a CMS: Structure and Styling

Final product image
What You'll Be Creating

There has been a trend of “flat CMS design” webservers. This simply refers to a Content Management System (CMS) that does not store its information in a database. Instead, all information is stored in plain text files. Since many virtual private servers (VPS) these days are using RAM-based hard drives, this approach is faster and a bit more secure.

In this series of tutorials, I will show you how to create your own flat file system CMS using some standard web technology. These systems are not as full featured as others, but have the basics with a good response time.

With all the information on the hard drive, file organization becomes a big issue. With that in mind, the site information will be in a different directory than the styling and layout information. Also, each type of page has its own directory under the site folder with a parts directory for small parts of the CMS. This keeps everything in its own place and makes a flexible system.

Main Directory Structure

In the directory in which you are going to build the project, create the following directories: src, site, and themes. The src directory will contain the server code, the site directory is for all the site information, and the themes directory for the layout and theming information.

In the themes directory, you need to make a layouts and a styling directory. The layouts directory will contain the different web page layouts. By separating the layout information from the styling information, the themes become much more flexible. For now, there will be one layout called SingleCol.

For all the styling and layout creation, I am using Sass, Compass, and Susy. Sass is a Custom Style Sheet processing language. It gives a more robust way to create the CSS style sheets for your website. Compass is an extension to Sass. Sassy-buttons is a Sass extension for making nice-looking buttons on the website. Susy is also an extension for creating a grid layout system for your site.

Since Ruby is pre-installed on all Macs, you will not need to install it. To get Ruby on a Windows system, you will need to download Ruby’s Windows Installer. On Linux, you need to use your system’s package manager to install Ruby.

Once Ruby is on your system, you can install Sass, Compass, Sassy-buttons, and Susy with these command lines:

For this tutorial, I am using Sass 3.4.16, Sassy-buttons 0.2.6, Compass 1.0.3, and Susy 2.2.5. Depending on your system’s configuration, you might have to run these commands with sudo before them.


To get started creating layouts, run these commands in the SingleCol directory:

This will create the sass and stylesheets directories, and a file named config.rb. Since I like using css for the stylesheet directory, rename the stylesheets directory to css. Also, create a js directory for any needed JavaScript files for the layout. Open the config.rb file and make it look like this one:

Now, to create the basic layout of the website, create a file in the layout directory called template.html. In this file, add this code:

This template creates a standard web page for the site. Each page has a header with a navigation bar, a single sidebar, a content area, and a footer area. The last thing loaded is the javascripts needed for the site.

Each section is represented with a Handlebar macro. The server expands the macros before giving it to the user.

In the sass directory, create a file called base.scss and place this code:

This sass code loads in the compass reset styles to neutralize the browser defaults. Then it loads and sets up susy for creating the proper grid layout for all the elements of the web page.

The css navigation system is after the page defines. The hidden drop-downs for the menus become visible with mouse-over definitions. This gives a css only menu system.

All of these styles define the basic structure of the website. Nothing here creates a look to the page, just its positioning. All styling gets handled by the styling content.


For the styling directory, create a directory called Basic. Initialize the sass information as done for the layouts/SingleCol directory. In this directory, run the following command line:

This will create the sass and stylesheets directories, and a file named config.rb. Since I like using css for the stylesheet directory, rename the stylesheets directory to css. Also, create a js directory for any JavaScript for creating the theme. Open the config.rb file and make it look like this one:

For styling buttons on the website, I like to use sassy-buttons. Therefore, it is required first, and then the directory structure.

In the Basic/sass directory, create the Basic.scss file with this information:

This code defines how the website will look. It defines the background, coloring, fonts, etc. that make up the styling for a typical website.

The styling/Basic directory contains the files needed for the default look of the 404 page, header, footer, and sidebar parts of the website. Therefore, create a file called 404.html and place this code:

This is a basic 404 error page. You have to be careful of the information given here, as you do not want to reveal too much information about how your site works. Since this will be placed in the contents area of the page, it will be easy for the user to navigate away from it.

Next, create the header.html file with this content:

This is just a bare-bones header that is non-descriptive, but it gives the CMS something to show.

Next, create the footer.html file with this content:

Next, create the sidebar.html file with this content:

Again, these are place-holders. All of these files get copied to the site/parts directory and changed according to the site’s needs. These are here so that the server has something with their names to use in the server in case the user forgets to create them.

Site Structure

With the theming and layouts defined, it is time to create the basic content and structure for the actual site. In the site directory, create the parts, pages, posts, images, css, js directories.


The parts directory will contain small snippets of html/css/javascript that will make a single unit placed in multiple locations of the website. These parts are loading into the server and combined with the page contents as needed. For our demo site, create the following parts:

  • footer.html with this code:
  • head.html with this code:
  • header.html with this code:
  • navbar.html with this code:
  • sidebar.html with this code:
  • socialmedia.html with this code:

The server loads these parts using the name without the extension in the Handlebar template for expansion. For example, anywhere the socialmedia.html part needs to be placed, you place the macro {{{socialmedia}}} there. Also, these parts can be HTML, Markdown, or any other format that the server can handle. In the servers I will be making, the supported types of files are HTML, Jade/Amber, and Markdown. I will get into these details in the actual server creation tutorials.


All of the pages for the site will be placed in the pages directory. For now, create the following files with their content:

  • main.html with this code:
  • with this code:
  • with this code:

These are the demo pages for the site. The only required file is main.html as the server will load this page content into memory and serve from memory. That helps to speed up the loading of the front page of the website. The other two pages have the md extension because they are in Markdown format. The server will translate the content to HTML before embedding in the page layout.

In general, pages contain information that doesn’t change much over time. They give the viewer information about the site, its purpose and goals.

Pages can be hierarchical in nature by creating directories and sub-directories with pages. These directory names create the addresses to these pages’ directory.


Unlike pages, posts are items that get added regularly, for example, daily/weekly/monthly blog posts and news items. This area is expected to change often. In the posts directory, create two new directories: blogs and news. In each of these directories, create a directory flatcms. These will contain the blog posts and news items for the Flat CMS website.

In the posts/blogs/flatcms directory, create the following files:

  • index.amber with these contents:
  • with these contents:

The index.amber is a Jade template to define the different posts in the blog. The Jade HTML template system makes it easy to add new content with an exact format. The parameters to the macros make up the different items. You can find more information about Jade on Tuts+.

Here, the extension used is amber because the Go language equivalent of Jade is Amber. Since that was where I started, that is how I made it. If you want to change the extension, then remember to change it in the appropriate server code as well.

In the posts/news/flatcms directory, create the following files:

  • index.amber with these contents:
  • with these contents:

This creates the news items for the demo site. In my site, I use the same structure for tutorials and code demo pages.


All websites have pictures. In this setup, all pictures are in the site/images directory. For this demo site, only the social media icons will be placed here. You can get the image file from the download file.

Site CSS

Even with the layout css and styling css, there will be times you will want special css rules. The site/css directory contains all css files that put those finishing touches to the website. All the layout, styling, and site/css files will be compiled together in to one css file. Therefore, create the site/css/final directory to place this compiled file. Now, create the site/css/site.css file with these contents:

Not much in here—just a definition for a clear class. You can add what you want, but it should be something that does not fall into the layout or styling category.

Site Scripts

The site/js directory contains all the special JavaScript files for the site. These will be compiled together and minimized for faster site loading. For now, create the site/js/final directory for the compiled script and a site/js/01-site.js file with these contents:

There is not much here right now. But, as your site needs custom JavaScript, it can be placed here.

Since the scripts will be compiled together, I number them in the order needed for loading. The routine for compiling the scripts together will load them in numerical order.

Automating With Gulp

The easiest way to speed up a web page load is to have as few HTTP requests as possible. Therefore, it is best to combine all CSS and JavaScript files into one file each. The best way to compile these files is with a build script. Performing it every time the server gets a request is a waste of processing time.

My choice of automation script runners is Gulp. Gulp runs on Node.js. Therefore, please go to the Node.js website and download the program for your system. Once you have Node.js installed, you can install Gulp with the following:

This will install all of the Gulp and Gulp modules that I use in the build script. Now, at the top of your directory, create the gulpfile.js file with these contents:

This will compile all of the CSS and JavaScript into a single file: in the site/css/final/final.css file for the CSS, and in the site/js/final/final.js file for the JavaScript. It will also add the browser prefix rules for the CSS. Just run in the top directory the command:

Gulp will compile all of our files and leave them in the proper location. Each task defined in the gulpfile.js can be run individually by giving the task name after the gulp command. You can learn more about Gulp on Tuts+.

Server Configuration File

All servers need configuration information. Therefore, in the root of the directory, create the file server.json with this information:

This json file describes information about the layout to use, the styling to use, the address and port the server should listen to, the main name for the site with a sub-title, a caching flag to turn on and off caching for debugging purposes, and the location of the different directories used for the site. By supplying this information to the server in a json file, the server can be flexible, with less hard-coded information.

Uploading the Site to a Server

Most people use an FTP client to copy the files to their server. This is easy to do, but varies greatly regarding the system and programs used. But there are some alternatives.

You can setup a Dropbox daemon to load your site from your Dropbox account. The Dropbox Wiki site has detailed instructions for setting this up. The only problem is the files are automatically uploaded to the server when you make any change. Sometimes, you will want to make changes without them going to the server. If this is the case, have a non-Dropbox location of all the site’s files and a Dropbox location as well. When done, create a task in your Gulp file to copy the new site files over to the Dropbox location.

Dropzone 3 Setup for CMS Uploading
Dropzone 3 Setup for CMS Uploading

My preferred approach is to use Dropzone 3. You can program Dropzone 3 with Ruby or Python to perform any type of action on a file that is a dropped on it. It also has many built-in functions. There is a file action built in for uploading to an FTP/SFTP site. I create one Dropzone 3 target for each of the main directories on my site. Then, when I want to change or add a file, I simply drag it to the appropriate directory dropzone target. You can learn more about Dropzone 3 with my tutorial Writing Dropzone 3 Actions.


These basic files will create a website that looks like this:

Demo Site in Browser
Demo Site in Browser

This is only the beginning! Now, with the site structure laid out, it is time to start building web servers. Please join me in the next tutorial where I will build a Go language based web server for this demo site.



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