30+ Water-Inspired Websites: BAD 2010

This year, Nettuts+ is taking part in Blog Action Day to raise awareness about clean water and water conservation. To tie that in with the web development world, we've compiled 30+ examples of websites, which make use of a water motif.

Startling Fact: Two million children under the age of five die from unsafe drinking water every single year. While many members of the Nettuts+ community (including myself) are in a constant state of saving for Adobe CSX, or any other expensive gadget, it can become alarmingly easy to forget that as many as a billion people on the planet don't have access to something as simple as clean drinking water.

However, these scary statistics are not beyond our control. Did you know that even a $20 donation to sites like "Charity: Water" can provide one person with clean drinking water for twenty years? Money that we so often frivolously waste -- on junk we don't need -- could be put to much better use.

Sometimes, it's easy to do nothing -- if only because you feel that you must give a lot in order for it to count. On the contrary, this couldn't be further from the truth. If you only donated your lunch money for a day or two...that would absolutely make a difference. I'm in; are you?

30+ Water-Inspired Websites

1. Pusula Web

Name of site

2. Surf In Paradise

Name of site

3. Dizzain

Name of site

4. 4 Internet

Name of site

5. icebrrg

Name of site

6. iceberg

Name of site

7. dgerelo.net

Name of site

8. Tropical Sky Scuba Diving

Name of site

9. Alex Swanson

Name of site

10. Feed stitch

Name of site

11. Flossed Today

Name of site

12. Marketing Informatico

Name of site

13. Squared Eye

Name of site

14. Nirmal

Name of site

15. Viget Inspire

Name of site

16. Agami Creative

Name of site

17. happy cog

Name of site

18. Matt Dempsey

Name of site

19. bcandullo.com

Name of site

20. ali felski

Name of site

21. Biola

Name of site

22. Football made in Africa

Name of site

23. vSplash

Name of site

24. Sunrise Design

Name of site

25. Toggle

Name of site

26. Le Bloe

Name of site

27. Circa

Name of site

28. Siete de Febrero

Name of site

29. jumpstart

Name of site

30. Boompa

Name of site

31. Charity Water

Charity Water

About Blog Action Day

"Blog Action Day (originally created by Envato) is an annual event held every October 15 that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day with the aim of sparking a global discussion and driving collective action."

Why Water?

"Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us who are subject to preventable disease and even death because of something that many of us take for granted.

Access to clean water is not just a human rights issue. It’s an environmental issue. An animal welfare issue. A sustainability issue. Water is a global issue, and it affects all of us."



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