Appearance Bindings

In the previous lesson, we saw how Knockout.js’ control-flow bindings provide a basic templating system for view code. Control-flow bindings provide the visual structure for your application, but a full-fledged templating system needs more than just structure. Knockout.js’ appearance bindings give you precise control over the styles and formatting of individual elements.

As of this writing, Knockout.js ships with six bindings for controlling the appearance of HTML elements:

  • text: <value>—Set the contents of an element.
  • html: <value>—Set the HTML contents of an element.
  • visible: <condition>—Show or hide an element based on certain conditions.
  • css: <object>—Add CSS classes to an element.
  • style: <object>—Define the style attribute of an element.
  • attr: <object>—Add arbitrary attributes to an element.

Like all Knockout.js bindings, appearance bindings always occur inside of the data-bind attribute of an HTML element. But unlike the control-flow bindings of the previous lesson, appearance bindings only affect their associated element—they do not alter template blocks or change the binding context.

The text Binding

The text binding is the bread and butter of Knockout.js. As we’ve already seen, the text binding displays the value of a property inside of an HTML element:

You should really only use the text binding on text-level elements (e.g., <a>, <em>, <span>, etc.), although technically it can be applied to any HTML element. As its parameter, the text binding takes any data type, and it casts it to a string before rendering it. The text binding will escape HTML entities, so it can be used to safely display user-generated content.

Figure 16: The text binding automatically escaping HTML entities in the view

It’s also worth pointing out that Knockout.js manages cross-browser issues behind the scenes. For IE, it uses the innerText property, and for Firefox and related browsers it uses textContent.

The html Binding

The html binding allows you to render a string as HTML markup. This can be useful if you want to dynamically generate markup in a ViewModel and display it in your template. For example, you could define a computed observable called formattedName on our Product object that contains some HTML:

Then, you could render the formatted name with the html binding:

While this defeats the goal of separating content from presentation, the html binding can prove to be a versatile tool when used judiciously.

Figure 17: The html binding rendering HTML entities in the view

Whenever you render dynamic HTML—whether via the html binding or ASP.NET—always make sure that the markup has been validated. If you need to display content that can’t be trusted, you should use the text binding instead of html.

In the previous snippet, also notice that featuredProduct is an observable, so the underlying object must be referenced with an empty function call instead of directly accessing the property with featuredProduct.formattedName. Again, this is a common mistake for Knockout.js beginners.

The visible Binding

Much like the if and ifnot bindings, the visible binding lets you show or hide an element based on certain conditions. But, instead of completely removing the element from the DOM, the visible binding simply adds a display: none declaration to the element’s style attribute. For example, we can change our existing if binding to a visible binding:

The resulting HTML for both the if and the visible versions is shown in the following code sample. This example assumes the condition evaluates to false:

Deciding when to use visible versus if is largely determined by context. In this case, it’s actually better to use the if binding so the empty <td> creates an equal number of columns for each row.

This binding takes the same parameter as the if and ifnot bindings. The condition can be a property of your ViewModel, a JavaScript expression, or a function that returns a Boolean.

The css Binding

The css binding lets you define CSS classes for HTML elements based on certain conditions. Instead of taking a condition as its parameter, it takes an object containing CSS class names as property names and conditions for applying the class as values. This is best explained with an example.

Let’s say you want to draw extra attention to a product’s discount when it’s more than 15% off. One way to do this would be to add a css binding to the “You save __%” message inside of the <table> that displays all of our shopping cart items:

First, you’ll notice that it’s possible to add multiple bindings to a single data-bind attribute by separating them with commas. Second, the css binding takes the {supersaver: discount() > .15} object as its argument. This is like a mapping that defines when a CSS class should be added to the element. In this case, the .supersaver class will be added whenever the product’s discount is greater than 15%, and removed otherwise. The actual CSS defining the .supersaver rule can be defined anywhere in the page (i.e. an external or internal style sheet).

If you add a 10% discount to the second product, you should see our css binding in action:

Figure 18: The css binding applying a class when discount() > .15

The condition contained in the object’s property is the same as the if, ifnot, and visible bindings’ parameter. It can be a property, a JavaScript expression, or a function.

The style Binding

The style binding provides the same functionality as the css binding, except it manipulates the element’s style attribute instead of adding or removing classes. Since inline styles require a key-value pair, the syntax for this binding’s parameter is slightly different, too:

If the product’s discount is greater than 15%, Knockout.js will render this element as the following:

But, if it’s less than 15%, it will have a font-weight of normal. Note that the style binding can be used in conjunction with an element’s existing style attribute.

The attr Binding

The attr binding lets you dynamically define attributes on an HTML element using ViewModel properties. For example, if our Product class had a permalink property, we could generate a link to individual product pages with:

This adds an href attribute to the <a> tag pointing to whatever is stored in the permalink property. And of course, if permalink is an observable, you can leverage all the benefits of Knockout.js’ automatic dependency tracking. Since permalinks are typically stored with the data object in persistent storage (e.g., a blog entry), dynamically generating links in this fashion can be very convenient.

But, the attr binding can do more than just create links. It lets you add any attribute to an HTML element. This opens up all kinds of doors for integrating your Knockout.js templates with other DOM libraries.


This lesson introduced Knockout.js’ appearance bindings. Many of these bindings change an HTML element when a particular condition has been met. Defining these conditions directly in the binding is an intuitive way to design templates, and it keeps view-centric code outside of the ViewModel.

Remember, Knockout.js’ goal is to let you focus on the data behind your application by automatically synchronizing the view whenever the data changes. Once you’ve defined your bindings, you never have to worry about them again (unless you change the structure of your ViewModel, of course).

The appearance bindings presented in this lesson provide all the tools you need to display your data, but they don’t let us add any user interaction to our view components. In the next lesson, we’ll take a look at how Knockout.js manages form fields.

This lesson represents a chapter from Knockout Succinctly, a free eBook from the team at Syncfusion.



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