How to Use OmniAuth-Twitter in a Rails Application

In this tutorial, you will learn how to allow users of your application to log in using their Twitter account. Doing this has been made easy with tools such as OAuth.

You will make use of OmniAuth-Twitter, which contains the Twitter strategy for OmniAuth.

Let's dive in!

Getting Started

Start by generating your Rails application. From your terminal, run the command to do so:

Open up your Gemfile and add the bootstrap gem.

Install the gem by running the command:

Rename app/assets/stylesheets/application.css to app/assets/stylesheets/application.scs.

When done, add the following lines of code to import bootstrap.

Create a partial named _navigation.html.erb to hold your navigation code; the partial should be located in the app/views/layouts directory.

Enter the code below into an IDE. It uses Bootstrap to create a navigation bar for your application.

For the navigation to be used, you need to render it in your application layout. Tweak your application layout to look like what I have below.

Generate a PagesController with an index action by entering the command below into your terminal.

In the index views generated, edit it to look like this.

In the above code, we make use of a class called jumbotron—this is a Bootstrap component that allows us extend the viewport to showcase a marketing message. You can find more about it from the Bootstrap documentation.

Open your routes file to add your root_path.

Setting Up OmniAuth-Twitter

You need to create a new Twitter application. Go to this page in the Twitter Developer pages to create one. Enter all the necessary details, similar to what I have in the screenshot below.

Twitter Application Management

For the callback URL, enter your website's address plus "auth/twitter/callback". If you happen to be on a local machine, your callback URL should be this:

You will be redirected to the app’s information page on Twitter. Navigate to the Keys and Access Tokens tab to get your keys. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and paste them in a safe place—we will make use of them shortly.

The callback URL is the URL where a user will be redirected to inside the app after successful authentication and approved authorization (the request will also contain the user’s data and token). All OmniAuth strategies expect the callback URL to equal “/auth/:provider/callback”. :provider takes the name of the strategy. In this case, the strategy will be "twitter" as you will list in the initializer.

Open up your Gemfile to add the omniauth-twiiter gem.

Now create an initializer for OmniAuth in your config/initializers directory. This will hold the configuration for OmniAuth. Make it look like what I have below.

At this point you'll need to make use of the keys and access tokens you stored safely. You need to keep these safe as you do not want to push them to a public repository when you commit your code.

You will make use of a gem for this. Open your Gemfile again and add the gem below. Add it to your Gemfile like so:

To install the gem, run.

In the home directory of your application, create a file called .env.

Open it and add your keys and tokens like so:

Open .gitignore and add the file you just created.

With this done, your keys and access tokens are safe! To learn more on how to use dotenv-rails, refer to the GitHub page.

Time to work on your route. Open up your routes file and add the route below.

You need to add the link for Twitter sign-in to your navigation. Open your navigation file and tweak it to look like this.

From the above, you want to show the link to log in with Twitter only when the user is not signed in.

Creating Sessions

You'll need a session controller to handle the logging in of users. Create a file for that in your controllers directory; this is how it should look.

The create action helps create a session for users so they can be logged into your application. Without this, users have no means of logging in.

You'll need a current_user method at this point. This will help you check if a user is logged in or out.

Open app/controllers/application_controller.rb and add the following.

User Model

Now generate a model for your Users. Run the command to do so.

That should generate a migration file that looks like this.

Now migrate your database by running:

Open up your User model and make it look like this:

The code above stores some information belonging to the user. This includes the name, profile_image, token, and secret of the user. If your application requires more than this, you can check out the OmniAuth-Twitter page.

Deleting Sessions

In your application, you want to provide users the ability to log out. You will need a destroy action in your SessionsController for this to work. Then a link will be added to your navigation.

Add the destroy action to your SessionsController.

Then add this link for logging out to your navigation, so your navigation looks like this.

Open up your config/routes.rb to update your routes with the action you just created.

Start up your rails server and point your browser to http://localhost:3000 to see what you have.


In this tutorial you have learned how to enable OmniAuth-Twitter in your Rails application. You saw how to get the data of users using OmniAuth-Twitter, which you did in your User model. You were able to create SessionControllers to handle the logging in and out of users from your application.

I hope you enjoyed it. In the future, you will see how to do the same for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn.



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