New Course: Real-Time Apps With Rails 5 Action Cable

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What You'll Be Creating

Do you want to learn how to create a real-time app in Rails 5? If so, our new short course, Real-Time Apps With Rails 5 Action Cable, is for you.

What You’ll Learn

Users have come to expect real-time communication in modern web applications—data should be updated seamlessly in the browser when it is changed anywhere. Action Cable is a new part of Rails 5 that allows you to create real-time communication between the browser and the server. This comes out of the box with Rails 5—no more external services or setup.

In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Markus Mühlberger will show you how to build a complete real-time app with back-end Ruby on Rails and front-end CoffeeScript with jQuery: a scoreboard for baseball games. You'll get some pointers on creating efficient communication to the server, and you'll see how to deploy a real-time app to Heroku.

Watch the Introduction

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