New Course on the Twig Template Engine for PHP

Twig Template Engine for PHP

Embedding HTML in your PHP is one of the worst decisions you can make. Not only is it a pain to write, it's also a pain to maintain. If you use a fully-fledged framework like Laravel, then you don't have to worry about how HTML is generated. But if you're using bare-metal PHP, you should use a template engine.

In our latest Coffee Break Course, Twig Template Engine for PHP, Envato Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will introduce you to Twig: a flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP. You'll get familiar with its easy-to-learn syntax as Jeremy shows you how to inherit templates and create content blocks.

Watch the introduction below to find out more.

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You can take our new Coffee Break Course straight away with a free 10-day trial of our monthly subscription. If you decide to continue, it costs just $15 a month, and you’ll get access to hundreds of courses, with new ones added every week.

And if you're looking for other ways to improve as a PHP developer, check out some of the super-useful PHP scripts available on Envato Market.



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