Join the Wptuts+ Community on Google+

We're excited to let you know that now, in addition to Twitter and Facebook, you can get involved with the Wptuts+ community over at Google+! We'll be using Google+ to let you know about our latest tutorials, competitions, and Tuts+ news. Read on to find out more...

What to Expect on Google+

Wptuts+ on Google+

Through Google+, we'll be publishing links to our new tutorials and articles, industry news, graphics and examples from our community, and lots more! It's going to be an extension of the Wptuts+ site and community, in the same way we treat Twitter and Facebook.

Don't have a Google+ account? You can head over and create one here, or find out a little more about how it works.

Add Wptuts+ to Your Circles

Just use the button above to add Wptuts+ to your circles, so you don't miss out on any of our new content. We look forward to seeing you on Google+!



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