Do you hate that your favorite web service can't be used in your build scripts? Well, are you sure that's the case? I'll show you how to use a popular tool, Phing - which is essentially a port of the popular Apache Ant for PHP - to query the Nettuts+ Prefixr API in today's quick tip.
Final Sample Phing Project
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="demo" default="prefixr"> <property name="css.path" value="css/style.css" /> <target name="prefixr"> <echo msg="Updating your stylesheet" /> <loadfile property="css.min" file="${css.path}" /> <exec command="curl -sSd css='${css.min}' > ${css.path}" /> </target> </project>
The more I use Phing, the more I realize just how powerful it is. While many prefer Apache Ant for its portability, with Phing, I can use my existing PHP knowledge to create any new tasks or filters that I require. That's incredibly powerful and convenient. What's your build tool of choice?