Building a Python Code Review Scheduler: Processing Log

In this tutorial series, you'll see how to build a code review scheduler using Python. Throughout the course of this series, you'll brush up against some basic concepts like reading emails, sending an email, executing terminal commands from Python program, processing git logs, etc.

In the first part, you'll start by setting up the basic configuration files, reading git logs, and processing them for sending the code review request. 

Getting Started

Start by creating a project folder called CodeReviewer. Inside the CodeReviewer folder, create a file called

Assuming the code review scheduler will be run against multiple projects, you'll need to specify the project name against which the scheduler will run and the number of days for which the log needs to processed. So first read these two parameters as arguments from the code review program. 

Let's make use of the argparse Python module for reading the program parameters. Import the library and add the program arguments. You can use the ArgumentParser method of the argparse module to initiate the parser. Once it's initiated, you can add the arguments to the parser. Here is the code for reading the arguments from the program:

Setting Up Project Configurations

Let's maintain a separate config file that will be processed by the code reviewer. Create a file called config.json inside the project directory CodeReviewer. Inside the config file, there will be information about each project that will be processed. Here is how the project config file would look:

A few more options would be added to the project configurations in the later parts. 

Let's read the configuration JSON file into the Python program. Import the JSON module and load the JSON data read from the config file.

Read Commit Info From the Repository

When the reviewer script is run, the project name is specified as a parameter. Based on the project name specified, check if its configurations are available and clone the repository. 

First, you need to find the project URL from the configurations. Iterate the project's data and find the project URL as shown:

Once you have the project URL, check if the project is already cloned. If not, clone the project URL. If it already exists, navigate to the existing project directory and pull the latest changes.

To execute system commands, you'll be making use of the Python os module. Create a method to execute system commands since you'll be using it frequently. Here is the execute_cmd method:

Processing the Git Log

After fetching the commit log from the Git repository, you'll analyze the log. Create a new Python method called process_commits to process the Git logs.

Git provides us with the commands to get the commit log. To get all logs from a repository, the command would be:

The response would be:

You can also get logs specific to the number of days from the time the command is executed. To get logs since n number of days, the command would be:

You can narrow it down further to see whether a particular commit was an addition, modification, or deletion. Execute the above command with --name-status:

The above command would have the following output:

The A letter on the left side of the file indicates addition. Similarly, M would indicate modification and D would indicate deletion.

Inside the process_commits method, let's define the Git command to be executed to get the log history. 

Pass the above command cmd to the execute_cmd method.

Read the response, iterate each line, and print the same.

Make a call to the process_commits method after the configurations have been read.

Save the above changes and try to execute the code reviewer using the following command:

As you can see, we have started the code reviewer with the number of days and the project name to process. You should be able to see the following output:

So when you execute the code reviewer, you can see that the repository is created if it doesn't already exist, or else it is updated. After that, based on the number of days provided, it fetches the commit log history to process. 

Now let's analyze the commit log to find out the commit Id, commit date, and commit author.

As seen in the logs, the commit id starts with the keyword commit , author starts with the keyword Author:, and date starts with the keyword Date:. You'll be using the following keywords to identify the commit Id, author and date for a commit.

Let's try to get the commit Id from the Git log lines. This is quite straightforward. You only need to check if the line starts with the keyword commit.

Save the changes and execute the scheduler and you should be able to get the commit Id.

The next task is to extract the author name. To check if the line contains the author info, you'll first check if the line starts with the Author keyword. If it does, you'll make use of a regular expression to get the user. 

As you can see, the user email address is inside the "less than greater than" signs. We'll use a regular expression to read the email address between < >. The regular expression will be like this:

Import the Python re module to use regular expressions in Python.

Now check if the line starts with the Author keyword. If it does, extract the user email address using the regular expression above. Here is how it would look:

To extract the commit date from the log, you need to check if the line starts with the Date keyword. Here is how it would look:

Here is the final process_commits method:

Save the above changes and start the code reviewer.

You should have each commit detail with the commit Id, Author and commit date printed on the terminal.

Wrapping It Up

In this first part of the Python Code Review Scheduler, you saw how to set up the project. You read the input parameters required by the scheduler to process the project. In the next part of this tutorial series, we'll collect the commit details from the process_commits method and send the commit to random developers for code review.

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I hope you enjoyed the first part. Do let us know your thoughts or any suggestions in the comments below.

Source code from this tutorial is available on GitHub.



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