Routing Overview & Basics in Symfony 2

Today we're going to work more with Symfony 2 where we'll explore the basics of building web applications using this awesome framework. 

Symfony 2 Routing Introduction

In the last video, I said we'd take a look at controllers next, but I actually feel it may be easier to learn the framework in a slightly different order. Instead, we're going to learn about the basics of Symfony 2 routing, to give our applications clean and pretty URLs and make it easy to manage our applications URLs and links. 

We're not going to get too detailed, as Symfony's routing can do quite a bit, but we'll at least cover what we need to know by keeping it straight and to the point:


Hopefully you now have a better understanding of how the basic, default routes work within Symfony 2. It should make more sense once we go over a few more of the main components, such as the Controller and Templates. Thanks for watching.



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